Hello Tinplate world ...you've all seen , heard, read about the graying of the model train hobby and the best days are behind us ...you'd find no sign of those dire predictions at Milwaukee's Trainfest this past weekend ...some 20K + attended ...lots of families with many kids all fascinated by toy / model / scale trains . The show is heavily weighted for youth interaction ...hands on activities and the opportunity to run trains. Show has some 70+ layouts ... mostly HO ..then N , O , S , G/ 1gauge, Lego , and one Standard Gauge ...manned by SGMA. The center of the show has all the big and many small manufactures of trains and modeling supplies ... lots of historical societies and local clubs all with invites for new members to come join the fun. How one bridges from this show to your typical falling attendance buy/ sell show sparsely lined with the graying crowd is unknown. Make an opportunity to support your hobby .....there are lots of folks ( young and old) grateful to learn about your passion for trains. Plan on attending next year's Trainfest ...they are planning an expansion ( opposite of contraction) of the show due to the attendance of traveling layouts coming in from Europe and Asia ..... come and join us at the SGMA layout ..more hands the merrier .
check out some video links ... and photos ..
Cheers Carey