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IMO, unless you were local, not worth repairing.

Not trying to downgrade your request or say the transformer is not worth anything, but trying to be realistic. It's not a great transformer (50VA), I know the exact component you blew, but by the time you pay shipping, labor, the single part (edit parts since you said both channels are failed full on) that failed is nothing in the big picture of things, you could have purchased a working transformer, maybe twice - maybe three times over.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

I assume Lionel doesn't offer any support for it. What is the component that needs replacing?  Something available from Mouser? I'm a bit of an electronic tech by trade, but haven't been able to locate a schematic for it. Do you have one? It was going to just be a power supply for a mantle display of a Hudson {5340 / 6-18005} on a roller base.

Last edited by RobbieNuke

This transformer and the similar, later MW-1 will not operate MTH PS1 or other QSI equipped locos, just for the record.  I would second the opinion that unless you can get someone local to look at it, replacement makes sense.  Not Lionel's most useful or long lived product.  If you need suggestions for transformers, let us know what type of locos you operate please.

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