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Hi everyone! My name is John Murphy and I have been an 0 3-rail modeler for many years. Since my wife and I are now contemplating  a move back to the East Coast, I want to switch to 0 scale 2-rail. So here are my first uninitiated questions - what sort of transformers are used for 0 scale 2-rail?  Are they DC like HO uses? What is the proper voltage range? Can 2-railers accommodate the DCC and related systems for train control and sound? Any leads on where to go next would be greatly appreciated.



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Yes, DC, like HO uses. I used an HO power pack for years to control my 2 rail O scale trains.  Not very powerful though.  Now, I'm using an MTH Z-4000 AC transformer with rectifier and a toggle switch (for direction control) in line to the track.  Works great. 

I also use it to control my G scale trains.



You might also want to inquire on the DCC forum as well.


My "2-rail" engines are mostly MTH Proto 3/2 diesels which go both ways, so when I run them on 2-rails, I use an AC transformer with a TIU to operate them in command mode (MTH's proprietary DCS system -- not to be confused with DCC). I did run one of my MTH Protosound-3 engines (which support DCC) in DCC mode on a 2-rail modular layout at a train show a few months back with very good results.


Basically, O 2-rail is like a big version of 2-rail H.O. You'll need more current, but you can run on 12 volts DC for the most part. A DCC system needs to provide more current because of the draw of the locomotives, so you're looking at a 5 or 10-amp DCC system. The decoders for the locomotives normally need to also be able to deliver more current as well.


Hope this helps some.

as Matt has said, more amperage is needed in a DC system. for a layout with 1 maybe 2 engines, a 5 amp system is sufficient, however 10 amp systems are more common, give plenty of reserve power for expansion. my experience has been with the MRC Control Master 20 and the Crest system. both are 10 amps, there are others too.


by all means examine DCC. I think you'll find the satisfaction level much higher with it as you have much greater control over trains... multiple trains at once. again a 10 amp system gives you greater flexibility. one bonus is that most DCC decoders can run on either DCC or DC power, once programmed for it. so your layout can accomodate either type of engine. there are a number of systems available and I suggest you at least try a couple out to determine which suits your style and ability of operation. the best way to do that is to find a club or other modelers in your relocated area.


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