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Picked up a new-in-box 71-3004-200 standard gauge Hiawatha set at York.  Upon unpacking it, discovered that a piece of trim was missing - the left-side piece of the emblem that wraps around the nose of the locomotive.  See the pics - the piece on the right side is present, but the piece on the left side is missing.  Checked through all of the packing materials (several times), and it's not there - guessing that it came that way from the factory, as it didn't appear that the engine had been unwrapped.

Looking for suggestions regarding getting a replacement part.  Haven't yet contacted Lionel, but not expecting much since the set was produced so long ago.

Does anyone have one, or know someone who might be able to fabricate one? 

Any help or suggestions will be appreciated.  First pic is the good side.  Second pic shows the location of the missing piece.




Images (2)
  • IMG_1143: the "good" side
  • IMG_1145: the "bad" side
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Look for a piece of very thin tin sheet at the hobby store. It should be just thicker than tinfoil. Trace the other part with tracing paper. Cut it out and place it on a piece of paper. Trace it onto the paper and cut it to check the fit. Once it's fit, trace it onto the tin sheet. You can use a magic marker or fine paint brush for the outline and lines. Use a straight edge and ruler for the lines. Alternatively, you could make a decal to put on the tin once it is installed. You can make the decal on a computer. This should be a moderately easy job if you are up to it. BTW, the tin can be cut with most scissors if it is thin enough. I have a hobby pair that is used for cutting plastic RC car bodies that works well.


Thanks for the suggestions.  I was pondering a thin piece of tin, black marker, and clear coat.

Further questions - would you try to recreate the tabs (seems like a challenge since they're small), or would it be better to just cut it to fit?  And without tabs, what would be the best way to attach it?  Thick CA?

The material seems to be brushed stainless, maybe 22 or 25 gauge.  Should be something you can find from a different application at Home Depot or lowes, try door hardware or plumbing area. Make a pattern from single ply cardboard and use a sharp scribe to mark the metal. You might have to lightly use a scotchbrite to match finish, practice on a scrap.   Use offset snips (right and left coming from different directions ) to cut slightly large. Use files to trim as necessary. Clean with acetone and cover entire piece with painters tape (not the thick stuff). Place double side carpet tape on your work surface and your trim piece on to it, this will hold it while cutting the tape. Take an exacto knife and a straight edge to cut paint lines, for the radius you will probably have to make a pattern. After carefully removing the tape where the paint should be, mist with an appropriate primer. The brushed finish should help hold the primer. The key word here is mist. Lightly spray with finish color. When dry (days not hours) use your exacto to cut along tape lines before removing tape so as not to peel paint. I would use a professional grade contact adhesive to apply (read instructions) . I have used this method for restoration work on non train items with success. 

Thanks for all the ideas.  Here's my current direction...

Got a piece of aluminum - 1/2" x 12" x 1/64" (0.0156?) thick - same thickness as the original trim, and the color of the aluminum is very close to the background color on the trim.  Cost less than $2.  Cut a piece of thin cardstock to fit the depression where the trim goes, and worked on it until it was very close to size.  Used the card as a template to mark, cut, and file the aluminum piece to fit.  Tried using a paint marker to draw the black lines, as 1/32" pinstriping couldn't be obtained.  Paint appears to be sticking.  My paint job is pathetic, so no pics, but I'm working on it.  There is glue residue where the trim goes, indicating that the original was glued on, so I'm planning to use thick CA.

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