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I run pw locos and rolling stock and my loops are tube track.  I do have a small loop of MTH realtrax from a set I have.  I occasionally set it up and it seems that my pw locos run better on that rather than on the tube track.  Does anyone else have the same experience or am imagining it?  The curves on the realtrax are 31 inch I and I found my scale Hudsons also ran well with no problems.  Is realtrax or even Lionel fast track a better system than the old tube track and would it be worth switching over to one or the other?


Original Post

Hi Bruce,

I also run mostly PW locos but I don't see much difference between the different tracks.  In my opinion, the choice of which track to use comes down to personal preference.  I have a small layout, approx. 3' X 9' with two loops.  The outer loop is MTH RealTrax and the inner loop is Lionel 027 tubular.  I like the look of the RealTrax compared to FastTrack.  I like the rail profile and the darker colored molded-in ballast.  I'm experimenting with different sound deadening material like homosote, foam rubber, and cork.  With tubular track it is very easy to dampen the sound with any of the materials I mentioned.  When using the sub-roadbeds with RealTrax the sound is quieter but not as quiet as the tubular. 


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