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Hi all,

We've been really busy at TW Trainworx, so much so that we have released two "Classic Landmark Series In The Style Of" stations this month. This one is the Santa Fe station found in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The station is built as it originally appeared under ownership of the AT&SF. If you have a Santa Fe Super Chief set, then this station is screaming to appear on your layout! No model of this station has ever been made before! Don't miss your opportunity to own one of these before they're gone!

The flyer we released at the Rocky Mountain TCA show last weekend is attached. We have 7 of these stations remaining at the introductory pricing, then pricing will go to the Suggested Retail price.

This is the first station project I have worked on with TW, in fact the model shown in the photo was built in my shop in North Carolina! (sorry, selfless plug there!). The features of this station include:

* Limited production of 50pcs
* Signed and numbered certificate of authenticity
* Includes detailed herringbone brick base
* Station measures 25" long x 11" wide x over 6" tall
* LED Interior lighting with transformer
* Authentic adobe finish on the structure surfaces
* Detailed Spanish tile roof
* Modeled as the station appeared under AT&SF ownership

This station will be on display at the TW Trainworx layout festival on April 1st, click here for more details on the festival;

I'll post additional photos of the station (all sides and overhead) early next week.




Images (1)
  • Santa Fe, NM Station Flyer
Last edited by Mikado
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Hi all,

My apologies for the delay in getting these additional photos posted. The Traingineers in Dallas have been cranking lately and needed to complete some final details on the model before we posted these pics. At any rate, just wanted to show you how nice this station looks and give you an idea of what the perimeter of the building looks like. Each station comes with the base which includes the herringbone brick patio and poured concrete sidewalk on the street facing side of the station.

Hope you enjoy the pics! I believe as of today we have 2 stations remaining at the introductory price!

Thank you,


Images (6)
  • SF Station_1
  • SF Station_2
  • SF Station_3
  • SF Station_4
  • SF Station_5
  • SF Station_6

Nice station to model , could be a better fit of the windows and doors in the openings of the walls , looks like gaps between the window and door frames  and the walls , maybe that was the way they were in real life .Even on the "brochure" picture of the front shot of the station lit up the window on the right appears to have light coming out between the wall and the window frame . Maybe it is the camera shot or lighting .

Scratchbuilder1-48 posted:

Nice station to model , could be a better fit of the windows and doors in the openings of the walls , looks like gaps between the window and door frames  and the walls , maybe that was the way they were in real life .Even on the "brochure" picture of the front shot of the station lit up the window on the right appears to have light coming out between the wall and the window frame . Maybe it is the camera shot or lighting .

As someone who grew up in the southwest with all manner of stucco veneer over brick buildings:  the way the window frames are portrayed on this model are spot on, especially for a station/warehouse type building.

Rarely were the openings in the building square.

My initial reaction was, "wow..they even got the window frames and large green gate/door correct the way adobe shifts around the frames constantly.

Yes, it was the way these old building were in real life, especially in the time frame they are portraying with the model.

If you look at recent pictures, you can see th eheavy build up of caulk, etc.. to plug the gaps.  A constant battle.


Last edited by EscapeRocks

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