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Rusty Traque posted:

Of course, all this "I'd like to see" is just an exercise. 

It appears all we're going to get out of MTH for now is a handful of uncataloged billboard reefers and some convention cars hopefully delivered before their respective events.


Write 'em off mentally. Then anything they do will be a bonus.  I am much more interested in what Des Plaines (S Scale America) releases, and Ron told me he has something coming soon on top of the thrall gondolas released earlier this year. Not to mention AM is supposedly working on something new too.

Chuck's post mentions "coming soon" surprises from De Plains and AM, and I understand Big L is making the same kind of sounds. Only MTH seems to be sleeping. I don't know if this is just "Hype" or wishful thinking by many folks. I have learned not to "hold my breath" at these "teasers" but it helps keep the flicker of the flame going.
jonnyspeed posted:

Any news on MTH releasing a catalog this year? They were saying last Fall, then delayed to Summer. Not expecting much, just have bothered to pay attention in a while...

Roundhouse Bill posted:

No Catalog in the future as I see it.

Well, here's the latest story taken from the Yahoo S-Trains board:

"Thank you for your online submission expressing your concern about the 
recent discounting of S Gauge products and how that may portend M.T.H.'s 
future S Gauge direction.  We certainly appreciate your interest in our S 
Gauge products and future direction and look forward to your continued 
support of M.T.H. Electric Trains.

M.T.H. is currently developing our 2019 S Gauge production plans with a 
promotional catalog planned for later this year.  The current discounted 
products are left over inventory from our initial rolling stock releases of 
several years ago.  We're still committed to the product line and recently 
received two new S Gauge Box Cars featuring Norfolk Southern 
<>Veteran's and 
<>First Responders deco.


Andy Edleman
Vice President - Marketing
M.T.H. Electric Trains"

Seems to me we've heard something like this several times before, so take it with...




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Last edited by Rusty Traque

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