My personal experience with DCS remotes is that they sometimes struggle to communicate with the TIU, especially on a large layout in an electrically noisy train show environment. (Note: My experience is limited to pre-generation "L" TIU's.) Tethering the remote to the TIU with a "phone cord" wrought an improvement in reliability, but doing so limits control to only one operator.
I want to know if it's possible to use two remotes simultaneously in tethered mode. I can think of two ways to do this:
(1) Wire two phone cords in parallel to a single RJ10 phone connector
(2) Use two remotes, each tethered to a different TIU. Both TIU's are connected to the layout in "super mode."
Is the first choice viable? If not, what would I give up in convenience by switching to super mode? I've never used super mode, and I'm not really sure how it works.
I would love to know if anyone else on the forum has tried this, and how it worked for them. Thanks!