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Ok! The transfer table just wasn't going to work. Took it out, simplified the grades, as much as possible. Cleaned up subway ("L" Train) shortened the entire layout providing room for mountains running the entire length of the North wall and into each upper corner. Improved the yard, hopefully Rich will weigh in.

Ted: Would appreciate another quick look, if you don't mind.

All comments and suggestions will be used to improve this design. Hopefully, I am getting close to finalizing it.


Last edited by gsn1

Sorry for the delayed reply. Here are a few thoughts.

The Ross transfer table is a really cool accessory. But, as you well know it is also a huge one. I understand and admire your desire to have the center peninsula as a part of the layout for serious playing with your grandson. If the play value of the town ever diminishes years from now perhaps the Railroad could expand its shop into the town area.

Perhaps the most important person to talk to about the mountain area is your scenery expert. If he feels good about the constructability of the scenery you are in good shape.

I still have some concerns about the yard. There might be some minor tweeks but the big issue is that most any switching will foul the main line. If you want to switch the yard and run a train on the green line this will be a problem. Dave will be at the track planning meeting at York. If you will be there take the opportunity to talk with Dave about the yard, he has designed some good ones from 15 to 150 car capacities.
Originally posted by Ted Hikel:

Sorry for the delayed reply. Here are a few thoughts.

The Ross transfer table is a really cool accessory. But, as you well know it is also a huge one. I understand and admire your desire to have the center peninsula as a part of the layout for serious playing with your grandson. If the play value of the town ever diminishes years from now perhaps the Railroad could expand its shop into the town area.

Perhaps the most important person to talk to about the mountain area is your scenery expert. If he feels good about the constructability of the scenery you are in good shape.

I still have some concerns about the yard. There might be some minor tweeks but the big issue is that most any switching will foul the main line. If you want to switch the yard and run a train on the green line this will be a problem. Dave will be at the track planning meeting at York. If you will be there take the opportunity to talk with Dave about the yard, he has designed some good ones from 15 to 150 car capacities.

Thanks Ted, appreciate your time and your comments. I will be at the York layout session. In fact, Dave is going to talk yards in the meeting. I have not started bench work and won't now until after York. I hope to spend quality time with my scenery expert and make sure I have what is needed. Getting excited about York and finally putting the design to bed.

Thanks Again.
Ok, thanks to David Hikel and his discussion at the York Layout Design session I have tweeked the layout for what I hope is the last time. Added distance to at least 5.25 or > in close curves to allow for large locamotives. Added second loop around Turntable / Roundhouse so as to not spoil the main line (Rich). Also added cross-over switches on green line leading into yard.

Thanks to Rich Battista for his patience with me and spending a lot of time looking over the layout at York also.

Thanks AL for delivering such a great turntable to me at York.

I hope to start bench work next week so hoping all of you guys will take a final look and let me know what you think.

RRTrack file available- I am using MTH ScaleTrax



It is good to hear that you are ready to start making saw dust. I wish that I could have made it to York this fall but I was glad to hear that you got a chance to talk with Dave.

When you get to laying track you might be interested in using the joiners from Lou Cross. They provide a joint that is mechanically and electrically reliable and they look really nice. Contact info is on this thread.

I can't wait to see your progress over the months ahead.

Happy Raliroading.

Ok, started benchwork a week ago and here are the first pics.

Benchwork going well only one more section to build, where the turntable will go. All measurements around all four walls are within a quarter inch of the RRTrack plan. Thanks Russ for such an amazing tool. will hopefully start track work sometime next week. Using MTH ScaleTrax and have several custom radius curves to build. Not nearly as sure about the the track work as I was the benchwork. Wish me luck!
Update: Finally some posted pictures


Here is a 4x8 sheet of 1/2in homasote marked up per RRTrack track coordinates, ready to cut. Pattern will then be used to cut an additional 1/2in homasote and 3/4 in plywood.

1/2in homasote planned to 1/4 in - What a mess

Cutting complete - pieces of 3/4in plywood, 1/2in homasote and 1/4in homasote for roadbed all ready to go.

Some progress pictures:

Originally posted by Patrick H:

it looks great. Alot of work Huh? LOL The last picture you posted. There are two tracks coming together and then a track above it. Are you planning to bring scenery down between them from the top track? If so make sure you leave enough space between the two bottom tracks.

Absolutely lots of work, but you know all about that. I am enjoying every minute of it. Can only work a few hours at a time, due to health, but making progress, just not at your pace. Not 100% sure of scenery yet. In the last picture: More than likely there will be a large mountain peak (using foam) in the middle of the loop going over the tracks and down to the floor. The bottom track will be coming out of the mountain near the straight away with the upper tracks on like a mountain shelf. The straight away will be like a valley and I may replace the plywood, for track above with trestle bridge. But all scenery along the back wall will be mountains, bridges, and water. There is one large section for an industry, I just haven't decided on which one yet.

I will lay, wire and ballast track next and run trains for a awhile to work out any problem areas.

Since I had to retire early and not in the best health, I am viewing this as a multi year adventure. The large downtown area, located in the middle table will probably be the first completed. It will have a large multi level passenger station in the middle surrounded by a downtown area and plenty of operational buildings with sidetracks for kids to play with. It will alos have an "EL" train, double looped, over the city. At one end of middle table will be a Christmas Village with Christmas trolley loop. I need Bridgeboss to price the "EL" train supports for me. Hopefully, it will be within the budget.

The third table, down the front wall, will be a yard with engine service area, and of course another one of Al's 34" turntables. I picked it up last October at York. Been wanting to install it ever sense and may get to it within the next couple of weeks.

I appreciate comments like you have made involving scenery. Scenery is where I am the least comfortable. Please feel free to ask and or point out anything that you might see that could cause a problem. Appreciate your time.
Originally posted by DADA1043:
Hi Gary.

Wow, that is quite impressive. I believe i see where the Elevated Bridge system will be going. We can talk more at York as i will have plenty of samples for you to look at.

jim r from

Thanks Jim, I believe that your Elevated Bridge system will look fantastic down the middle there. See ya at York next week.

The layout is looking real good! I know it was a lot of work to get this far. All the planning and hard work will pay off. It will not be long and you will have some trains running.

Sounds like you are going to York. If so, I will see you there. I am bringing some photos of Jim's trestle so you can check it out. I'm real happy with it and I'm sure you will agree when you see it that it is a great testle system.

Originally posted by Rich Battista:

The layout is looking real good! I know it was a lot of work to get this far. All the planning and hard work will pay off. It will not be long and you will have some trains running.

Sounds like you are going to York. If so, I will see you there. I am bringing some photos of Jim's trestle so you can check it out. I'm real happy with it and I'm sure you will agree when you see it that it is a great testle system.


Thanks Rich for you kind words. I am getting excited about the layout and can finally start seeing some of the scenery in my head. Will start laying track when I return from York and get some trains running to test it all out. Will run for a few weeks or so to make sure everything is working well before starting any serious scenery.

I knew you were working on an "EL" Train but didn't realize you were using Jim's stuff. I redid mine to have double track and have sent the file to Jim for calculation. Was hoping to pick it up at York this time but he doesn't have that much inventory. I am looking at about 71 feet or 850 inches. Looking forward to your next video and will definately talk with you later this week at York. Take Care.
Hi Gary. Al and I will be loading up the trailer and trucks tomorrow for York. I am taking a rather large supply of the Elevated system including 30 inch beams, 6 inch and 7.5 inch columns and an assortment of the wider columns. Hopfully i will have some remaining to sell to other customers after you make your buy- lol.

See you there.

jim r from

Originally posted by gsn1:
Originally posted by Rich Battista:

The layout is looking real good! I know it was a lot of work to get this far. All the planning and hard work will pay off. It will not be long and you will have some trains running.

Sounds like you are going to York. If so, I will see you there. I am bringing some photos of Jim's trestle so you can check it out. I'm real happy with it and I'm sure you will agree when you see it that it is a great testle system.


Thanks Rich for you kind words. I am getting excited about the layout and can finally start seeing some of the scenery in my head. Will start laying track when I return from York and get some trains running to test it all out. Will run for a few weeks or so to make sure everything is working well before starting any serious scenery.

I knew you were working on an "EL" Train but didn't realize you were using Jim's stuff. I redid mine to have double track and have sent the file to Jim for calculation. Was hoping to pick it up at York this time but he doesn't have that much inventory. I am looking at about 71 feet or 850 inches. Looking forward to your next video and will definately talk with you later this week at York. Take Care.
Originally posted by DADA1043:
Hi Gary, So what is next after the track weathering? I wish i had the room you have for your layout( and i have a rather large house).

jim r

I am not happy with the base color on the homasote, so will be giving it another coat that is more brown, less pink. Finishing up the wiring plan, subway included, and painting all of the switches by hand. Waiting for the rail brown paint to arrive. Hopefully by tomorrow. I hope to start laying track by Monday. Moving forward, just not a lightning speed.
Originally posted by Ingeniero No1:

I really like the swing door concept and how you are doing it. Do keep us posted with your progress


Glad you liked it. The piano hinge and the 3 wheel movers (used 3 on bottom) are working exceptionally well. I fretted about building it for awhile but when I finally did it only took a couple of hours. I positioned a series of boards, on the non hinge end, so when the wall swings it slides up on a fixed board, guaranteeing a snug fit and precise positioning. So far so good. Hopefully no surprises when I lay the track. I left a couple of ways to adjust up and down and left to right, for any contingencies.
Originally posted by gregj410:
What did you weather your track with? I decided to weather mine after its in place, I hope I am not making a mistake.

I used the Badger 200 20 airbrush and floquil rail brown paint. Much easier than I had expected. Although it did take a week of 4 hrs a day to do 1400 ft of MTH ScaleTrax. Will touch up after laying. I just thought it would be easier and less messy to do before laying.
Hi Gary.
My familly and i will be down your way next spring, mainly on the gulf coast but we will visit the orlanda area also. Hopfully your new layout will be well on its way to completion by then for us to view.

I see you have mentioned a new 2 story passenger station. Can you give me any specifics on this structure as you might be interested in something im working on.


jim r from bridgeboss.


What is your timetable for the Elevated system?

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