While I like the 3rd rail 2-10-4 Texas, past experiences have convinced me I really prefer how well MTH things just run awesome and are tolerant to track imperfections.
While I know this won’t be perfect, I would like to update the MTH model I recently purchased to be closer to the prototype. Not sure when I will start this project, but I am in the planning phases now.
Picture below is how it looks today.
I plan to move the class lights from the front of boiler to the sides, similar to the picture below where I did the same with my MTH northern from the mid 90s.
The number boards look a little crooked and not sure how best to straight them out, if I knew they were brass for sure, I would just bend them. I am really having trouble finding a picture to verify they are brass.
I would really like to upgrade the smoke stack to not be the extendable one, but more like the Lionel one with the flip top. Not sure how to get this stack out or maybe just cut it off and and attach a new one. Any one attempted this before? Lionel doesn’t list this stack part on their site under the Texas. I was also thinking a smaller headlight closer to third rails would be cool. Not sure where to source the stack or the headlight.