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Dear friends,

should you wish to model the Chicago Great Western version of the Atlas 1923 ARA "X29" car, I have now the right doors for you. The railroad had 1500 of these and they lastet well into the 1950s.

The Pullman doors (referred to as inverted Creco doors by some) were unique in appearance and had a very special locking hardwre. I did a lot of research and came up with a 3D file that should give you a perfect option for modelling these doors. For more details, please visit my website:

There was a starter lever that started to disappear over the decades. My files give you the option of including one or not.


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Just a quick note for those interested; I tried to download Sarah's ZIP files from her website and failed miserably with the browser I use for model railroading (Vivaldi, if anyone cares).  I simply switched to a different browser (again, SlimJet, if anybody cares) and everything downloaded just fine.  Don't know why and don't really care as long as objective achieved.

Now, back to model railroading!  And, a big THANK YOU to Sarah for all this wonderful info.


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