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I would like to share my findings with Lion Chief and Lion Chief Plus engines and the 36Watt (2amp) wall pack.

i originally bought a Polar Express 10th anniversary set as my introductory to O Guage.

I added about 3x more track and it ran without any issues (no accessories).


i then bought the Lion Chief Plus GP7 and added even more track and it pulled 8 freight cars fine until I tried to fire the electro couplers. The engine would just power off momentarily.

So I turned off the fan smoke unit and bingo it ran fine.


Tonight I ran the GP7 without smoke but tried to pull a consist of ACL aluminum passenger cars (they are all lit) and at a certain speed (mid-hi) it would power off.


what I have learned is you can run a bigger layout with the small pack but not with any extras going on.

I was considering the 72W (4amp) wall pack but after reading another post I am considering the 180W powerhouse wired directly to the track for constant 18V power and lots of watts.


My question is:  

Is the powerhouse AC voltage? Will it work for the LC and LC+?

I was concerned for the powerhouse breaker being the only fail safe in the system.


Last edited by Swanny
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Yes LC can run on AC or DC.  Going to AC allows you to add Accessories to the track that may not work well on DC such as uncoupling track which you may want for a siding, etc...


I don't think the 180W 10amp PH is really over kill.  Once you start running 2 plus engines you will want it.  Running a smaller transformer at max output will only shorten it's life.


The PH breaker is probably the best protection out there for short circuits.   G

Originally Posted by gunrunnerjohn:

Well, you need the .110 blade female connectors to connect to the Fastrack for the end you have spade lugs on, but that's the general idea.


I was thinking of connecting it with this (pic 1) to this (pic 2).

the Lionel fastrack terminal track with the lionchief sets has the round plug.


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Last edited by Swanny

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