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I am replacing the incandescent Lionel bulbs in my Lionel series 2412-2416 passenger cars. The cars came from different lots over the years.

Here’s what’s happening: in some of the cars, replacing both bulbs with LEDs works fine, but in others, I need to leave one incandescent bulb in place (which now does not light up) in order to have the LED in the other socket illuminate.

Im guessing that some of the cars have parallel wiring and some are wired in series.

What should I do with the cars where only one LED illuminates?  If I have to do some rewiring, a simplified diagram would be helpful.



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I wonder if the your particular LED selection are polarity sensitive and therefore don't work well with this particular series wiring. Looking back, I should have warned about about this in your other post, but since an application was not listed and 14V/18V bulbs are not used in series wired passenger cars, I didn't think to bring it up. Series wired passenger cars typically have 6V bulbs.

Fortunately, all is not lost. Simply wire the 18V LEDs in parallel.

Last edited by bmoran4

Now the wire from the track roller is connected to the back of socket #1, and a wire goes from that #1 socket to the #2 socket.

I think what you’re saying is to disconnect the wire coming from socket #2  at the point where it connects to socket #1 and instead connect it to the wire that comes from the roller?  So both sockets will be connected directly to the roller?

If you look closely, you will see one socket has two wire terminals, the other, only one.

The socket that has one wire terminal goes to the pickup roller. The pick up roller is also connected to that same terminal on the other socket.

The remaining terminal (on the two terminal socket) gets connected to the metal frame.

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