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I have a small but compact layout using only Aged Showcase Line rail, I use 10 switches for crossovers and spurs. I need to replace some of them and Im considering using the Lionel remote control switches, which are also capable of utilizing Command control!! That could possibly provide a lot of convince and iliminate some wiring. Of coarse, pricing is also a consideration, so i would start with just one pair as a crossover on my Main! Anyway with all that said, does anyone have or had any experiences with modifing  the Showcase railing and installing The lionel switches?  Pros and or Cons…   I would certainly appreciate any comments or suggestions..

Thank You, Laurin0717.

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I had a similar situation where I had S Helper track and wanted to add some switches.  S Helper switches were no longer available.  I bought AF Fastrack switches and some 5” Fastrack straights.  I modified one end of the 5”straights to mate up with the S Helper track and the other end mates to the AF Fastrack switch.  That way I only modified a $5.00 straight rather than a much more expensive switch. You could also use the shorter AF Fastrack straights that are available.


Thank you for your fast and informative posts! I especially like the info on the former thread from Rusty. I had thought about removing the locking extension from the SHS track allowing the Lionel track to butt up the SHS! I had also considered using the solution suggested by Tom. By adding 5” (Two 2 and 1/2”)pieces on the Straight thru and again on the 2nd Half of the crossover would require repositioning the whole Crossover assembly, which is prohibitive on my present layout!
  So for now I have a 10” straight and a 20” manual switch pieces of Lionel fastrack, so I intend experimenting with those.                   l am also curious to know what successes or failures people are having with using Lionel Command Control Switches! I particularly have problems with some Legacy engines derailing or electrically shorting the circuit in Shs switches…

Again, I Thank you for your inputs and Thoughts!


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