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For those of you who enjoy learning about steam era / early diesel era freight cars, there is an EXCELLENT article in this months "Model Railroad Hobbyist" on-line magazine.  Excellent article, and a LOT of pictures of multiple compartment tank cars.  If you prefer, multiple dome tank cars, but that is not really an accurate statement as the author explains in the article.    


Here is the link.  The on-line magazine is free.  All the back issues are free.  For a modeler, this is an outstanding resource. 




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Thanks for the heads-up and link to this story - great read, and prototype photos too. Being a steam-era modeler, this is good info on these cars. Hoping to see scale multi-dome tankers made by one of the players soon. I have many of Atlas' 8k single-dome steam-era tankers already, and these would add some interest to a long string of these cars.





Thanks for the link, that is a great article.


Using one of the excellent 8,000 gallon tank cars available in O scale for a three compartment conversion like some prototype cars would be a great kitbashing project.


We do have some multi-compartment tank cars in the traditional O gauge product lines that are scale or close enough to consider for conversion to scale couplers and trucks.


MTH makes a very nice modern era four compartment domeless 20,000 gallon tank car.


Two areas where there are real gaps in O scale offering are in tank cars under 8,000 gallons and in the 10,000 to 16,000 range.  There were thousands of these cars in use in the transition era.  San Juan has introduced a standard gauge 6,000 gallon tank car, the only O scale model in that size that I am aware of other than in brass.


Given the popularity of the O Scale Freight Car Guide to Tank Cars thread I have to say that a manufacturer is likely to get a good return on an investment in tank car tooling.


Bob2 and Malcolm posted photos of some nice older multi-compartment tank cars.

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