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I'd like to make a Christmas tree for my little layout in Dec using some 3mm led I have stocked up.  What's the best way to wire them up?  Planning on using a 7" Bachman snow covered tree.  The led are pre-wired and resistors inline. Do I just solder a black to red to black to red, etc., ending up with a black and red going to my buss?  Or is there a mo betta way to perform this task?  Thx for any ideas you may have. TW

Last edited by Rich Melvin
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I'm guessing here, Ted.  If they are all 3 Volt LEDs which have 1 kΩ resistors attached to one of their legs - and your power supply bus (short for omnibus - only one s ), is 12 Volts; then join all of the (+) together and all of the (-) together and connect them to the respective bus wires.

That way they will be in parallel and only draw 3 Volts each.

If you join them in series, the resistance is the sum of the parts.  If you join them in parallel, the resistance is the same as only one of them.  Also, if they are joined in series and one fails, they all go out.  It breaks the chain.

If you're unfamiliar with electricity, then a set of Christmas lights would be the best option.  They are only a few dollars and are designed to do the job.

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