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Have this sample circuit breadboarded... . Using a DPDT Momentary On OFF On Toggle Turnout Direction .  Turnout changed Position  and Green LED lights. Having problem getting Red LED to that position  Using the Yellow wire from Fastrack Turnout to control LEDs. Toggling Between Ground BLACK and RED /GREEN wires ., can transfer Fastrack Turnout  and Light GREEN LED  . However when toggling to Turnout  RED no Lights. Is there something missing here.

I have 22 Fastrack Turnouts on my layout. My Goal is to make my operational panel smaller , Presently I'm Using Lionel's Standard Switch Controllers.  We do Reverse Engraved and Digitally printed operation Schematic panels at OUR SHOP..


Images (2)
  • mceclip0
  • lionel-fastrack-switch-wiring-diagram-your-complet-mx7p8mu0
Original Post

Are you powering your switches with DC power?

They technically function on DC power- the motor will switch and anti-derailing functions, but the RSC lights function needs AC to make both polarities.- Hence why you would get one color but not the other.

Your circuit for the LEDs looks correct- which is why I suspect you might be caught in the DC power source problem- which I had not seen a warning about in the manual but I knew about from testing and the occasional starter set customer at the hobby shop complaining when they use the DC wall power that comes with Lionchief sets.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

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