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Art Homme here  ( Old Guy )

I want a MTH R11 subway set with Proto 3 sound and have looked all over and cant find one anywhere. There is a collectors page they list it I ordered it and was refunded. Any Idea where i can get this set? Im willing to pay a reward of 200$ whoever sells me a set above there price or finds one that i buy and is delivered.  To me that thats my dream subway ,LOL Any Takers? this is my last hope of finding a good set.  crosses fingers?

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@Old Guy posted:

Art Homme here  ( Old Guy )

I want a MTH R11 subway set with Proto 3 sound and have looked all over and cant find one anywhere. There is a collectors page they list it I ordered it and was refunded. Any Idea where i can get this set? Im willing to pay a reward of 200$ whoever sells me a set above there price or finds one that i buy and is delivered.  To me that thats my dream subway ,LOL Any Takers? this is my last hope of finding a good set.  crosses fingers?

Screenshot_2021-01-09 3DI_ADD_FACEBOOK_TITLE_3DI

Hello --- I just saw this NOW at 4;00 AM Friday 2-5-2021  listed on EBAY and still open.

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It has a BUY NOW setting -- If you REALLY want this set so bad - as per the price, well,  money talks and BS walks with some sellers.  But if you really want this set --- here is your chance -- grease up that credit card !

Joe F

@Old Guy posted:

Thanks for your help guys but I cant buy any more train stuff till well after Tax time and after I pay off my credit cards too. I will have to pay taxes this year again.  Thanks for the help  The Old Guy !

Well, "Old Guy" --

WHY did you start this thread on Jan 21st, 2021,   15 days ago, asking for help here to help you locate an R-11 set if,  all of a sudden now,  you state you cannot pay for it - -- so what is the point ?  Just curious.  (PS: I am an old guy also - 70's)

Well, "Old Guy" --

WHY did you start this thread on Jan 21st, 2021,   15 days ago, asking for help here to help you locate an R-11 set if,  all of a sudden now,  you state you cannot pay for it - -- so what is the point ?  Just curious.  (PS: I am an old guy also - 70's)


Isn't he saving $200 right off the bat by not having to pay the "reward"?


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