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Great photos guys!!  Here are my photos of fun for this fine weekend!  Have a wonderful weekend everyone!  Be safe = Be well!!

MOW workers.IMG_5443

Y6b on the bridge.IMG_5455

PA 1 with train arriving at the station.IMG_4937

Running lite on the FSJR Mountain Division. IMG_4623

The logging camp.IMG_4727

Running lite.IMG_4623

MOW workers on the Mountain Division. IMG_5445


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Last edited by trumpettrain

A Photo Album from Michigan - “Hanging Out at The Lost Railway Museum”

1 Sign Museum

Just outside the Lost Railway Museum getting on our masks for a Christmas Tour.

2 Christmas Lost RRjpg

We are now in front of the famous street car number 47. There is a Christmas Wreath around the headlight and this is baby sister’s first time at the museum. Age 9 months.

3 Fire Truck

Just outside the Lost Railway Museum. This year Santa Claus is coming to town on a fire truck. He sounded his horn and gave us a special wave. Very exciting.

Thanks for taking a look & have a great weekend: Gary & my train crew. 🚂


Images (3)
  • 1 Sign Museum
  • 2 Christmas Lost RRjpg
  • 3 Fire Truck

So with no public displays for my Christmas train villages this year, (see post below for last years displays)  my 3 year old grandsons family decided to set him up a Christmas village for him to play with in the front window. He loves turning on several of the battery powered lights and accessories and remembers where all the switches are. All the best of my display stuff was selected for the window village.  Just a oval of track with a siding. He either has a favorite steam engine he pushes around (with no motor) or sometimes he runs a Blue Comet LionChief engine that he runs from the LionChief remote.  The display is set up so they can invite friends, family members or some neighbors over to visit through the window to be Covid safe. When visitors come if they have downloaded the LionChief app to their phone then they can run the Bluetooth train from outside through the window. The transformer is set so it can not go to fast and rear coupler plug is disconnected in the tender for safety! The Grandson is thrilled to be able to play with such a big bright colorful train set up each day! Click on photos for a larger view.



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Last edited by kj356

So here are some more photos of my 3 public 2019 Christmas train village displays set up last year that I was to busy to post photos of in 2019; The bigger one had lots of trains running was over 4 weekends 14 hour days with the LionChief controllers on the fence for kids to control trains and some animations and sounds. The smallest layout the view through the window was one loop of track seen through the window this ran 14 hours days for a month +. I had it set up with a motion detector so when people walked up close it would turn on the power and Lionel engine was straight DC motor to track so I had DC transformer with momentum switch. While the lights came on on the display right away the train started slowly with the momentum slowly bringing up the volts to track speed. This was at a station where there was a kids ride on train running through a Christmas lights display.



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Hope everyone is well today.

Here is a model of a signal manufacturing facility loosely based on Union Swatch and Signal's old plant in Swissvale PA, right outside of the city of Pittsburgh. Aside from a few minor details, it is all finished and installed on the layout. It was built from a Koerber Models façade warehouse model (originally Pecos River Brass) and sold by Mr. Muffin's trains. I kitbashed it out of two kits, and worked on it off and on for about six weeks.

Here is a similar prototype structure:IMG_5580 [1)

Here is the model sitting on my workbench awaiting installation. As you can see, it is really a façade building and the roof is hinged to allow access in the corner of the layout:

62925615240__43B36355-68CB-4519-9597-0AB29A9FFB6D [1)IMG_5673 IMG_5680 [1)IMG_5580 [1)

Now here is the hole where the model will get mounted, then the structure sitting on the tracks waiting for me to go into the hatch an pull it back into place, and then with it finally in place:


Finally, here is another view of the structure now in place, and a detail shot showing the loading docks:



Hope that you enjoyed!


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Last edited by PRRMiddleDivision

I have a technical question regarding this thread. After I write my post and insert the pictures, I always go back and proofread it once I post it. If there are more than a few pictures, and I go back and edit mistakes I did not see earlier and then repost it, it often removes one or two photos and leaves only the image number. Then I go back and correct that, and it deletes other photos, again leaving only the image number in the body of the post. The image is still available at the bottom of the post, but we are all in the habit of inserting them into the post body. Look at my thread above...see where it says image 5580. I posted it a second time, and it is there, but if I would go back and try to remove "image 5580," it will screw something else up. And I found another typo after I posted it  (should say "Switch," not "Swatch,") but if I go back and edit out that error, it will screw something else up! What gives? Anyone have a solution?

I have a technical question regarding this thread. After I write my post and insert the pictures, I always go back and proofread it once I post it. If there are more than a few pictures, and I go back and edit mistakes I did not see earlier and then repost it, it often removes one or two photos and leaves only the image number. Then I go back and correct that, and it deletes other photos, again leaving only the image number in the body of the post. The image is still available at the bottom of the post, but we are all in the habit of inserting them into the post body. Look at my thread above...see where it says image 5580. I posted it a second time, and it is there, but if I would go back and try to remove "image 5580," it will screw something else up. And I found another typo after I posted it  (should say "Switch," not "Swatch,") but if I go back and edit out that error, it will screw something else up! What gives? Anyone have a solution?


I see that you have image 5580 posted twice in the thread - the one without the image and the one with.  They both have the number 5580[1].  Maybe you can only have an image with the same number posted visible in one place in a thread?  I don't know if this is what is happening or not.  

Wonderful modeling!  NH Joe

Last edited by New Haven Joe


I see that you have image 5580 posted twice in the thread - the one without the image and the one with.  They both have the number 5580[1].  Maybe you can only have an image with the same number posted visible in one place in a thread?  I don't know if this is what is happening or not.  

Wonderful modeling!  NH Joe


Thanks for the feedback. You can post the same picture twice, so that's not the problem. It's just any time you have more than a few pictures posted, the system posts the image number or file name but not the image if you make any edits. For example, I could go back and delete "image 5580," but then it would do the same thing with another image, leaving only the image or file number. This happens  all the time. Any other thoughts?


Yes, painted over the red PC, never liked the RED logo. Added upper PC decal since no one ever offered that version. Gutted and ebayed the boards & motor. Got more for them on ebay than it cost to buy the ps1 RS27 on ebay.

Only operate PS 2 &3 on my collection. Added a warm white Evans LED in front since the unit has the 3R rollers. Can use it in any consist.

Last edited by SIRT

I couldn't get the "File Chooser" on my Mac to work using Safari so I downloaded Firefox to see if it will work to post photos.  Here are some photos taken at the G&O holiday show in 2017.  There won't be any photos this year.  NH Joe

Firefox seems to have worked!  My problem with Safari, which has worked for over 10 years, is a mystery.



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