Welcome to the last Weekend Photo Fun thread for 2011 or if you prefer the first Weekend Photo Fun thread for 2012.
Let's see your pictures.
Scott Smith
Original Post
Replies sorted oldest to newest
quote:Originally posted by WwWebFlyer:
My scratch built union station is now on my new layout.
quote:Originally posted by leavingtracks:
Frank...I am always amazed at your layout. I wish you were my neighbor...I need your genius working on my projects!!! You have museum quality talent and every time I see the pictures you post, I want to be a 1/48th person living on your layout!!!
quote:Originally posted by NYCGreg68:
Paul, if I recall I think you were buidling a new layout. Hopefully the pic with the Coke set is the begining!
quote:Originally posted by Putnam Division:
Mike.....your layout looks huge and fantastic due to your exceptional photography! I love the natural light effects!
quote:Originally posted by Glenn Fresch:
The Christmas trains are still running!
quote:Originally posted by AGHRMatt:
Dave O'Connor finished the scratch-built roundhouse for the club layout this past week. He did a fantastic job. It was made from 1/4" plywood and MDF. The window frames are from Rusty Stumps mounted on clear styrene and have fantastic detail. The interior features work benches. The roof coating is N scale ballast. The vent stacks do work, but there's an internal fan to vent smoke out of the roundhouse and prevent clouding of the windows. The doors were made from styrene, some by Jack Kemph aka "The Apprentice." (The kid's skills are improving.)
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