Picked up a couple things over the passed week.
These came in a lot on eBay: 2 postwar transformers, 1 Jefferson Electric Mfg. Co Type 2 Toy Transformer(first “step voltage” transformed-checked with voltmeter, everything seems ok but no need to try it).
Also in the lot- 604 orange or terra-cotta prewar Lionel 604 Observation that cleaned up nice. Ives 130 buffet that also cleaned up decently, then a Lionel 603 Pullman that is just too bent up
If the video abovedoesnt work, it was a video of this F3 A-A set I picked up on eBay. I thought I loved my southern Pacific & B&O- but this sucker, wow.
also in the lot with the transformers, Ives BUFfet, and Lionel prewar was this American Flyer #90 Small station/waiting area. I thought I already had this piece but got it confused with the Flyer Town Depot Andre larger American Flyer RR. Station
picked up this “Marke Technofix” wind-up for $10 at a flea market. I thought I had the car that goes with it on my layout but unfortunatelty I don’t.
Finally, won this guy at auction. While he won’t be on my layout, he’s definitely on my display shelf