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Picked up a couple things over the passed week.

These came in a lot on eBay: 2 postwar transformers, 1 Jefferson Electric Mfg. Co Type 2 Toy Transformer(first “step voltage” transformed-checked with voltmeter, everything seems ok but no need to try it). 


Also in the lot- 604 orange or terra-cotta prewar Lionel 604 Observation that cleaned up nice. Ives 130 buffet that also cleaned up decently, then a Lionel 603 Pullman that is just too bent up11C95C8E-43B5-42C1-B1BF-4B5AB1671A7B


If the video abovedoesnt work, it was a video of this F3 A-A set I picked up on eBay. I thought I loved my southern Pacific & B&O- but this sucker, wow.4821D7F6-0480-4FD5-A3D2-7522F08AD0E5

also in the lot with the transformers, Ives BUFfet, and Lionel prewar was this American Flyer #90 Small station/waiting area. I thought I already had this piece but got it confused with the Flyer Town Depot Andre larger American Flyer RR. Station1F4721B1-D5C2-43A9-BBC4-377D924CF774

picked up this “Marke Technofix” wind-up for $10 at a flea market. I thought I had the car that goes with it on my layout but unfortunatelty I don’t.8DDD2D12-C126-4C24-93FE-9924EFD487F8


Finally, won this guy at auction. While he won’t be on my layout, he’s definitely on my display shelfC55E3D60-8377-427B-A4A1-04241743E3BC



Images (7)
  • 092F169D-6AAA-43C6-ACAC-31E184C5054A
  • 11C95C8E-43B5-42C1-B1BF-4B5AB1671A7B
  • A3970266-1D7C-4E67-A16D-6B5A183F4EB4
  • 4821D7F6-0480-4FD5-A3D2-7522F08AD0E5
  • 1F4721B1-D5C2-43A9-BBC4-377D924CF774
  • 8DDD2D12-C126-4C24-93FE-9924EFD487F8
  • C55E3D60-8377-427B-A4A1-04241743E3BC
Videos (1)
Fatman posted:
Jim O'C posted:

Guess these other few from down under:

wood and tin victory mallard

( You got me on this one!!! )  ^^^^^


WYN-TOY Floor trains


Ferris Diesel locomotive


 A weird "Dolphin" (marx copy ) Havent seen in real life , saw one on ebay and forgot to bid lol !!! 

As no one else bit .. I took a stab answers in bold inserted into your post @Jim O'C

 I knew about Ferris and the “Dolphin”. But the other two had me stumped... The red on isn’t a Maurlyn copy of the “Ranger” type train is it? 

Late night run after working on some layout plans(have the next week off!). My first Ives engine, a red 3250, which I rarely run anymore due to its deteriorating wheels. Want to keep this one, for sentimental reasons, all original. Consist of 2 Ives N.Y.C. & H.R. gondolas, an AF Burlington, an Ives Standard Oil and a late Kraus-Fandor. Also, note the Lionel #58 lamp which I finally got working!:


Videos (1)
Jamie Thompson posted:
Fatman posted:
Jim O'C posted:

Guess these other few from down under:

wood and tin victory mallard

( You got me on this one!!! )  ^^^^^


WYN-TOY Floor trains


Ferris Diesel locomotive


 A weird "Dolphin" (marx copy ) Havent seen in real life , saw one on ebay and forgot to bid lol !!! 

As no one else bit .. I took a stab answers in bold inserted into your post @Jim O'C

 I knew about Ferris and the “Dolphin”. But the other two had me stumped... The red on isn’t a Maurlyn copy of the “Ranger” type train is it? 

The Wyn-toy is pictured next to a Marx Lumar loco so you get an idea of the scale. The top one is GAM, half tin half wood.


I obtained a Dolphin duo from Steve E. a few years back but someone had already modified one of the locos using a Marx CV motor and repainted them without realizing what they had.

dolphin pair w Marx tenders Steve's photos dolphin dummy undersidedummy unit. wheels have been soldered.

dolphin powered gigafront coupler on dummy. note the burp instead of a headlight in the casting.


Images (3)
  • dolphin dummy underside
  • dolphin pair w Marx tenders
  • dolphin powered giga

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