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As far as your first question, depends on your level of neurosis. If you can live without them your problem is solved.

Protection:  I've had success preserving rubber with the product "Armor All".

If they contact each other, they will eventually wear. A light coating of silicon spray where surfaces touch might help. I would apply it with a soft cloth.


Last edited by Simon Winter

As far as your first question, depends on your level of neurosis. If you can live without them your problem is solved.

Protection:  I've had success preserving rubber with the product "Armor All".

If they contact each other, they will eventually wear. A light coating of silicon spray where surfaces touch might help. I would apply it with a soft cloth.


Im Purchasing the O Scale New Old Stock [N.O.S.] Neopreen with the metal striker plate ends. I don't like the look of The "Snap In" all rubber Diaphrams.

Im Purchasing the O Scale New Old Stock [N.O.S.] Neopreen with the metal striker plate ends. I don't like the look of The "Snap In" all rubber Diaphrams.

Are you getting the MHP diaphrams? I just picked up a few. If you find the rubber distorted after being stuck in their little boxes for 70 years, warming them with a hair dryer or as I did left on a furnace register will straighten them out.


Last edited by Norton

I too have trouble with the title, but get it.  Five out of seven are correct, and no way to mistake the actual question.  That’s a passing grade.

Lately I go nuts watching TV actors misuse “I” and “me” about 100% of the time.  Maybe they changed the rules and forgot to tell me?

Spelling rules, too, change over time.  I think, though, that Neoprene may be a trade name.  Common usage cannot change those.

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