Well, many have read my previous post asking for advice on purchasing the 400e or Piper. I updated the post informing everyone that I decided to go with a traditional 1134 and three additional cars. No problem from my spouse...she encourages me to purchase...she finally gets clued in and tells me that the new trains don't look like they'll fit on the track. I responded with "They won't". She's not happy and responds with "well what do you plan on doing?" I informed her that I was perhaps looking at building another board in the back of the family room. Not happening folks!!!
Help me out here... I have a 5x16 board..if you have any ideas of a cool design that incorporates O gauge and Standard gauge please shoot me some info. I REALLY LIKE this standard gauge stuff.... absolutely gorgeous. I like O gauge tinplate as well but there's no comparison. Perhaps I should just go with standard gauge and sell my o gauge stuff. Or sell the standard gauge stuff and stick with O gauge. What a mess I'm in.