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Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:

Well, the helix is finally topped out, and the first 3 sections of bookshelf benchwork are in place. Tomorrow I hope to finish the track all the way up, and perhaps put in the bridge over the aisle.





Elliot- With all the great work you're doing on that layout, I'm curious, are you going to finish off the basement with drywall on the last foot of wall and ceiling?

Mike, the missing strip of sheetrock near the ceiling will get filled in, but in the end it won't be visible. Backdrop will cover it.


The plan has always been to install a suspended ceiling. I suppose it would have been easier to do it before the benchwork was in, but by standing on the layout, it shouldn't be too hard. I always worried about damaging the ceiling during construction. Unfortunately, back before the benchwork was installed, the duct work hadn't been boxed in yet. Now the portion above the layout is done, but there is still some left to finish in one corner. I've had the materials for years, but when I got sick, all progress stopped.


The truth is the room has never been empty. Even during the construction of the house, there was always stuff in the space. It isn't as if there was ever a good time to deal with this. But now that things are moving along again, it will have to be dealt with soon.


I'm also thinking of re-doing the lighting.

Put down the outer loop and ran some trains over it. Boy, what a difference from the FasTrack I used last time. The O27 tubular is so much quieter. And I'm sure that once I add Flexxbed under the track, it will be a little quieter, still. So nice not to hear anything but the motor of the locomotive and the clickety-clack of the rails.

I'm new to the Forum.  This is a GREAT idea ... sharing with everyone our progress on our respective railroads.  My railroad's name is The Freestate Junction Railroad " a conduit line for all of Maryland's class 1 and short line railroads" during the transition era.


This week I wired all the track on the new Mountain Division ( The actual mountain is yet to be completed... and will be in the next few months hopefully ) which hosts a Bollman Truss Bridge.  I tested trains running on the  Mountain division.  All track work is fine.... no problems with derailments.  Two freinds helped wire my lower division mainline and also helped with the progress of my elevated trolly line.


Today I did a foam moch up of the mountain... just to get an idea of how it might look.

I put the last two pieces of track in place to complete the elevated trolly line. Still lacking the final screws for piers.... but it all looks good!  I went to Home Depot to buy more pink two inch foam.  Also bought some single roof shingles for making roads ... at $2.02 per shingle I can get lots of mileage out of a single shingle ... and they come in various colors too!


I'm looking forward to working on my layout tomorrow.  Actually "working" is not exactly what it is .... it's really creative play. :-)


Patrick W


Welcome to the forum Patrick!  Post some photos of your progress!
Originally Posted by trumptrain:

I'm new to the Forum.  This is a GREAT idea ... sharing with everyone our progress on our respective railroads.  My railroad's name is The Freestate Junction Railroad " a conduit line for all of Maryland's class 1 and short line railroads" during the transition era.

Ran some trains this morning


Started to design my staging yard that will go though the 2nd wall into a spare bedroom we have.  Since the bedroom sits empty most of the time it shouldnt be an issue but when the inlaws come to stay with us I will design the track to fold up into the wall.  As of right now it will be able to hold 2 trains. 


I plan to hit the hobby shop today also to get some more cork roadbed to fix a small section of track that isn't level and causes all kinds of derailments.   

Starting with a large empty basement we were able to have the drop deiling and carpeting installed, and the tracklighting, before starting the framework construction.
Got lucky.
Originally Posted by Big_Boy_4005:

Mike, the missing strip of sheetrock near the ceiling will get filled in, but in the end it won't be visible. Backdrop will cover it.


The plan has always been to install a suspended ceiling. I suppose it would have been easier to do it before the benchwork was in, but by standing on the layout, it shouldn't be too hard. I always worried about damaging the ceiling during construction. Unfortunately, back before the benchwork was installed, the duct work hadn't been boxed in yet. Now the portion above the layout is done, but there is still some left to finish in one corner. I've had the materials for years, but when I got sick, all progress stopped.


The truth is the room has never been empty. Even during the construction of the house, there was always stuff in the space. It isn't as if there was ever a good time to deal with this. But now that things are moving along again, it will have to be dealt with soon.


I'm also thinking of re-doing the lighting.

Originally Posted by MichMikeM:
Originally Posted by Jeff B. Haertlein:

Worked on my roundhouse for a little while.

Layout Jeff and Roundhouse

Roundhouse at Milwaukee O Scale Club

Wow.  I think that roundhouse is as big as my entire layout.  What's the story behind the second, and I assume older, picture?

It looks as though I goofed up on my story line and captions. The roundhouse in the B&W picture, is the same roundhouse and turntable. It was built before 1940, for a 2-rail Club in Milwaukee Wisconsin, known as the Model Railroad Club of Milwaukee. The started at their present location in 1937, and still is active to this day!! I have not done a lot to the structure as I wish to keep it more as an artifact! We spiked down HO rail to act as my center rail. I ran a piece of stiff wire onto the table to do the same thing. When this roundhouse was first used, the layout was running on outside third rail.I originally bought the roundhouse and table back on March 2, 1970 from the Club, and is now finally installed on my new layout I am building, and is now totally operational. The table services a total of 26 tracks.


Hope this is found interesting.



Originally Posted by scale rail:
Jeff the b/w picture is outside third rail. I would like to know more about it's history. Thanks don

Don: I think I goofed up on my comments/captions, so here it goes. The roundhouse and table in the B&W photo, is an old picture of the same. I have done very little to it, as I wish to keep it more as an artifact from a very old 2-rail O scale Club. The Club is located in Milwaukee Wisconsin, known as the Model Railroad Club of Milwaukee, and they officially opened up in 1937, and they are still an active Club and layout to this day. When the Club first operated, you are right, they ran as outside third rail. My roundhouse still has the "pegs" inside to carry the old third rail. At some point the Club was able to convert to 2-rail operation. Thus, the roundhouse and table were built before 1940, and I know this because of an early (1940) Kalmbach publication showing my structure on the Club layout, within it's pages. I purchased the house and table on March 2, 1970. I have now left Milwaukee, and after many more years, the house and table are finally installed, and operational on the layout I am building. I might also mention that it was this Club, that started to formulate "Standards" model railroading, and after a while, it became what we know as the NMRA. Thus, in 1935, the first NMRA Convention was held on Labor Day in Milwaukee Wiscosnin. All thanks to Club members such as A.C. Kalmbach, Wm. K. Walthers to name a couple. I hope this helps, but ask me more if you need anything at all, I'll try and answer as best as I can.  I would really like to know more myself about the house and table, but that history seems to be lost within the current Club as I still visit about once a year!! Would like more photos of it as well.   Jeff



Originally Posted by Kerrigan:
Starting with a large empty basement we were able to have the drop deiling and carpeting installed, and the tracklighting, before starting the framework construction.
Got lucky.

Yes, you were lucky. I can't count the number of times I've had materials bump into the rafters over the years. And carpet would have been destroyed by now, and there's still all the scenery left to do. I just spilled glue the other day. Actually, we just finished the last section of raised floor a couple months ago.


Funny story about the carpet that is in the trainroom. Back when the house was under construction, there was a dumpster in the driveway. One morning I found that some unscrupulous person had dumped a huge load of crappy used carpet on my lot. Instead of filling my dumpster, I adopted it for the trainroom. It was much better than bare concrete.


When life gives you lemons...

I didn't work on the new layout today but it's coming along. I did work on one of my little box cab electrics and almost finished. This is for my mining electric short line. The cab is brass and the running gear and frame are from a K-line S-2 switcher. The cab was a mess when I bought it. I replaced most of the hand rails, added snow plow and many more details. I still have to install windows, windshield wipers, paint the end of the air hoses red, interior cab and a few other details. The pantographs are the Milwaukee type made by Lionel. I will have two more small electrics for this line. Don't think I am going to need all three though. The others are the Westinghouse steeple cab type. The track in this photo is just sitting with no ballast and the overhead wire will be done in this section by next week.

The line in the background is the Milwaukee mainline. This little line will keep dropping down into a canyon to two or three mines. These electrics will pull stings of ore cars up to the mainline. Don

electric loco


Images (1)
  • electric loco
Last edited by scale rail

Paul, good call. I have no idea what it is. To me it looks like one the many electrics that ran on the open pit copper mines. I think we are saying the same thing. Yes, that's how I got the idea for a mining short line. The BA&P was as your know the deciding factor to electrify the Milwaukee.

The body was a old brass shell made in Japan I think in the 50's or 60's. This short line is not part of the Milwaukee Road either. It will just feed ore to the line. There's a story here that will be in OGR later. The road is called the V&M line. Another part of the story. Don

Recently I have been working on the scenery at the right hand end of my layout. I built a tunnel first and plan on building the mountain over it next. I am putting down the ground cover, streets and some trees. I am actually starting to really enjoy this new aspect of model railroading. My first two Lionel layouts were bare plywood.






Images (3)
  • NEW LAYOUT 161
  • NEW LAYOUT 163
  • NEW LAYOUT 162

Today I ran through a train show...and picked up four Lionel flatcars to use at my

creosote plant, specifically to run into the retorts (which is on hold).  Cars had poles on them, 3, and one was a crane car to unload the others. Also found a power chassis for a planned steam coach or inspection engine (whichever I do first), and other items. 

Yesterday I made progress on the ghost town's crumbling general store...about ready to put trim on, paint it, and then roof it (partially, as there are holes).  I'd be afraid

to walk in that building...the roof looksl like a swaybacked horse...

Lots of maintenance work this weekend.  Pulled out the postwar engines 773, 736 and 2026 and lubed them up, replaced burnt out light bulbs, rewired several light pickups on the 2500 series passenger car trucks, replaced a spring in the 164 log loader and installed two new Yard lights.  As of this moment every engine, bulb, accessory and switch is working properly on the layout.  Three of the grandchildren stopped by and didn't break a thing....  LOL...










Images (3)
  • P1070142
  • P1070154
  • P1070156
Originally Posted by Wood:

Lots of maintenance work this weekend.  Pulled out the postwar engines 773, 736 and 2026 and lubed them up, replaced burnt out light bulbs, rewired several light pickups on the 2500 series passenger car trucks, replaced a spring in the 164 log loader and installed two new Yard lights.  As of this moment every engine, bulb, accessory and switch is working properly on the layout.  Three of the grandchildren stopped by and didn't break a thing....  LOL...









Hi Mr. Wood (real name?): Very much like the looks of your layout. I see you've repainted some stuff in less toylike colors, such as the #352 Icing Station, etc. Like your use of the light towers also. Nice to see your layout.

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