Well, the tour went off without a hitch. Thanks for the prayers, they seemed to have worked!
I had my camera in my pocket all afternoon, but I was so busy talking to people, I never used it. Finally, when the dust had settled, I snapped one of my crew. That's Walt on the left (he's an HO guy), Miggy (Scott) in the middle, and my brother-in-law Bob on the right. Bob is on the verge of becoming a train guy, I've been rubbing off on him. His first hobby is ham radio.
He also flies drones. We've been talking about doing a railfan project, if he can ever find the time.
Looking at the guestbook, I had around 40 visitors. It was supposed to run til 5PM, but just after 4, everyone had moved on. My crew took off, and I was just getting settled on the couch after 5, when the doorbell rang. A couple of stragglers, so I gave them the full tour.
This was really an audition for the National Narrow Gauge Convention in 2018. I think the entire committee has now been here, and were sufficiently impressed. It is still not publication worthy, but it is heading in the right direction, and it could be by convention time.
I'm whipped, we'll see if I get anything done this week. Doctor appointment Monday, Tue and Wed open, Thu maybe, Fri - Mon gone to daughter's graduation. Should be back on track after that.