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Bryan, Great job on the subway station part 1! Don't worry to much about the retired guys, they will forget what they did before you! LOL

Gary, sure looks and sounds like fun was had by all! What a great day!

Chris, once again great job on the cars!

John, really nice work on the dining car! Keep up the great work!

chris a posted:

Bryan, Very nice looking work on the subway station..   I rode alot of NYC subways decades ago.  An excellent job with the details and depicting the feel of the subways.   

GandyDancer... I have been meaning to tell you the Train Cave is really well done, looks like a great room to relax in, run trains, and turn back time with all the Post War items..  

Thank you Chris! Yes the train cave is my temporary escape from the world. It brings a certain calmness to me and takes me back. I'm sure most of us feel the same way about our trains. Again Thanks!

colorado hirailer posted:

Yesterday, l finished the American Model Builders grain elevator; today l finished the Carolina Craftsman Kit water mill.  Found a flyer with an O scale elevator, and  stamp mill kit.  But an email received a reply saying O scale versions not yet in production.

How about some pictures! All your work sounds great but your explanations need pictures for us to really appreciate your work.

gandydancer1950 posted:
chris a posted:

Bryan, Very nice looking work on the subway station..   I rode alot of NYC subways decades ago.  An excellent job with the details and depicting the feel of the subways.   

GandyDancer... I have been meaning to tell you the Train Cave is really well done, looks like a great room to relax in, run trains, and turn back time with all the Post War items..  

Thank you Chris! Yes the train cave is my temporary escape from the world. It brings a certain calmness to me and takes me back. I'm sure most of us feel the same way about our trains. Again Thanks!

Very well said about your train cave!!  All of us could say the same even if we don’t have a separate room for our trains.

AZGARY posted:

This is Woodward Ave. Dream Cruise week in Detroit. The Ferndale Police have a new truck to fit right in. Seems they have already have caught a pair of drag racers, and pulled them over on the dead end street between the Hobby Shop and Used Car Lot.100_5428

   It was funner when the cops flag started the drag racers and turned a blind eye to "squealing exuberance" the first year(s) Going PC took a lot of fun out of that weekend, it's just "ok" today, I can take it or leave it and do both now.

   I've run trains via car battery in my truck bed and VW bus along the fairgrounds and later just S.W. of 14 mile where friends have had a canopy in the same spot for many many years now.  So watch for a RR T shirt if in the area, I don't go far anymore

Mike and all,

Worked until 3:00 A.M. custom grinding Preiser 65602 People I painted for the Lionel 21" NYC Empire State Express "Jon Jay" Dining Car.  I was only able to place the middle eight people at the center couch tables in two hours.  Where did the time go?  The heavyweight man is a new addition to a dining car.  I had to do serious grinding to his backside and stomach.  Maybe that could work for me too.

This morning I finished the tables on the ends of the car.  I always leave one or two tables open to welcome new guests to the Dining Car.  This car is number 130 and the 50th car completed  since February 26, 2018.

I am running out of steam and need to load more coal and water.  I have clear track ahead, but need to crawl into a sleeping car for some rest before the next leg of my journey.  I wonder what the dining car is serving?  Out of the way Timmy, I'm hungry.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


Images (8)
  • DSCN6039: NYC "Jon Jay" Dining Car
  • DSCN6040
  • DSCN6041
  • DSCN6042
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  • DSCN6044: Serious backside and stomach grinding to place heavyweight man.
  • DSCN6045
  • DSCN6038: Time to close the car and run it.

NYC Empire State Express Dining Car is finished.  I snapped a few pictures of the people in the car.  

Tonight I am painting more people and will continue through the eleven boxes I have left.  No matter what I do, my Testors Acryl Flat paints dry out.  I am now at the stage of chipping away at the jar tops and using pliers to try to get them open.  The clock is ticking until I have to buy all new paints and custom mix my colors again.  There are very few bristles left on my Atlas brushes.  My shopping list is growing.

Sincerely, John Rowlen


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Rick,  The layout looks great.  My layout has a large table.  I suggest adding a couple of openings that allow you to reach derailed or stalled engines on the far wall.  My days of climbing up on the table are limited.  I need to modify my table for one or two access points.  I might add a lake or a square opening with the buildings secured so the panel can be moved.

My arms were never eight feet long.  What was I thinking?

Sincerely, John Rowlen

Ordered seven more Preiser 65602 packs from Ebay.  Painting people is fun.  Did I mention, along with the 3,000 plus O-gauge people, I also painted 1,800 HO Seated people for my 180 Walthers passenger cars.  I could see back then.  


Images (4)
  • DSCN0981: My layout needs access holes in the table.
  • DSCN3773: I painted 1,800 HO Preiser People and bought many others.
  • DSCN3808: Some of the extra cars I sold on Ebay.
  • DSCN3820: A mixture of people. All cars have LED Light Kits.

Thanks Gandydancer1950 and Pete for the kind comments about the weathered woodside cars.  

Went back and decided to finish the far right end of the mine run road, it ends in a "tunnel" (that doesn't go anywhere), but I was missing a weathered installed tunnel entrance,  the rock casting to the left side of it.....   My daughter and I spent some time just trying to wrap this up and hide the tunnel entrance with some sage and super tree kits....   

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Mark,  thanks.   Yes it's great that she and I get to spend some time doing scenery together....  It's hard to compete with "video, computer and smart phone screens", in this age,  but I am thankful for the time we spend together.   Between the 2 of us we are learning how to use an inexpensive airbrush I bought on Amazon...  that's been something I been wanting to do for a long time...  

The arm is progressing, I can use it for really light duty tasks where my elbow is close to my hip, like "washing dishes!"...  and doing minor scenery stuff.   Still have another week of stretching only regimens, before we start doing any isometric strengthening....  So at least it's not a "dead" limb in a sling....   The therapist printed out the surgeons rehab protocol... it's humbling when you see a schedule for what exercises I will be doing out around week 12 to 18, and  18 to 26.... I am in week 5....   

We are planning to drive out to Scranton to visit Steamtown and take the excursion trip on Saturday 8/25, should be the only trip this summer before she goes back to college for senior year...

Mark,  thanks.   Yes it's great that she and I get to spend some time doing scenery together....  It's hard to compete with "video, computer and smart phone screens", in this age,  but I am thankful for the time we spend together.   Between the 2 of us we are learning how to use an inexpensive airbrush I bought on Amazon...  that's been something I been wanting to do for a long time...  

The arm is progressing, I can use it for really light duty tasks where my elbow is close to my hip, like "washing dishes!"...  and doing minor scenery stuff.   Still have another week of stretching only regimens, before we start doing any isometric strengthening....  So at least it's not a "dead" limb in a sling....   The therapist printed out the surgeons rehab protocol... it's humbling when you see a schedule for what exercises I will be doing out around week 12 to 18, and  18 to 26.... I am in week 5....   

We are planning to drive out to Scranton to visit Steamtown and take the excursion trip on Saturday 8/25, should be the only trip this summer before she goes back to college for senior year...

John, great suggestion but for now I have a Over The Top Creeper that gets me to almost every spot on what is up so far. What is in the video is less than have the bench work. I still need to finish some drywall and install the remaining ceiling. After all the bench work is up I will then look at where I may need access holes. Thanks everyone for all the likes and nice comments.   

chris a posted:
 My daughter and I spent some time just trying to wrap this up and hide the tunnel entrance with some sage and super tree kits....   


What a gift to your daughter, to share this enthusiasm with her father and to see on display his character, and talent. They will become part of her. Chris, long after we are gone, she will hold these memories in her heart.

Been working for off & on 3-4 weeks on 2 Ameri-Town shacks.  

One is inspired by briansilvermustang.  So he now has a place on the layout.

The second is not inspired by anyone that I know. AND as a disclaimer, I apologize in advance if the name of the establishment is also the name of a wife, girlfriend, significant other, etc.  The name was on a sheet in the box.  She's on the front porch talking to one of her best customers, while a couple of her girls are taking a break.

PS Both shacks need to find a more permanent place on the layout, but where they are is good enough for now.IMG_1539IMG_1540IMG_1542IMG_1543


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Last edited by decoynh
briansilvermustang posted:


               very cool Matt       trains and a ice cold one,  aahhhh

  will be having a few tonight for my birthday tomorrow, " getting a head start"...



Best of B'days Brian!  Is that a Lensbaby shot that twists the track and flatcar?  I recently upgraded to a Sony a6000 mirrorless digital camera.  

One thing for sure, my Brian's shack couldn't hold all your trains. LOL.  

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