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The mailman dropped off a couple of packages this afternoon. Scored another Weaver wood chip hopper on the BAY and bought a non train related item. A Tee shirt commerating the Turkey drop on WKRP. A great oldies TV series. Yes I really do buy things other then trains every now and then LOL. Shortly after dinner I'll be heading back down to do more flats. Pics..............Paul



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Just finished a renovation of an old 1033 transformer. Replaced the power cord; replaced the rectifier disc with a 16 amp rectifier diode, and replaced the circuit breaker with a Bussman 6am thermal circuit breaker.IMG_1888

I checked it out and got strong, crisp enthusiastic whistles from several post-war tenders. So it looks like the renovation was a success.



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I finally got the lighting done for the Grindstaff store. 
There are three lights that work on the structure, but I disabled one. It illuminates an interior stocked with things you wouldn't have been able to find in the WW2 era.
Eventually, I'm going to build a more accurate interior, and then reconnect that light. I really, really like how this turned out.


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Lee, great shot. That looks like the real thing. Lighting is dead on.

TANNER111, you always feel good when you just got done with a section of track and can run a train through it. Bridge looks great.

I got the next section of flats glued. Glued the roof to the three sided roof building and cut out a piece for the top of the silos and glued that down. Called it a night. I decided to go to the train and toy show in Kirkland Sunday. I'll get there in the morning and then that will leave me the afternoon to work in the basement. Couple of pics...........Paul



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That store above makes me think of one l might have passed in my grandfather's '40 Chevy, coming home late from shopping on milk check day.  Well worthy of attention of us nostalgia freaks.   I did nothing so productive .. attended a show, bought nothing but discovered interesting books, including a new "gotta get" on Heislers.  I can hardly believe there are so many interesting railroad books, and this is a dying hobby?  Who's buying them?

Paul, the flats are getting there! Plus I like the new wood chip car you got, make me wonder how much more room you have! LOL The Turkey Drop T shirt is just a added bonus! You did a fine job on the roof for your silos! Very nice all around Paul!

Brian, look  at you smoking up the house! Sure looks like fun!

Thanks Pete, I think she is a good woman & worth keeping! Plus she really takes care of me! Nice work on the transformer! I would have no idea where to start and if I did try it would end up in the repair shop anyways! LOL

TANNERlll, Great looking bridge! I sure hope you will keep posting as you move along with your layout!

Lee, I am with Frank and Chris, such great work it makes one ask them self is it live or Memorex! Wonderful work and fantastic picture!

My latest victim project arrived today,  courtesy of @GTW Ralph


Nice thing about acquiring someone else's errors is that one can cheerfully do most anything to 'em with no painful twinges of conscience...  

Below,  the painted over window insert yields to the ministrations of generic Lectric Shave and a cotton swab... 


A bit of Lectric Shave on the shell revealed that this left the factory painted for the Reading.    I think it's gonna wind up sporting Razorback Red and a pantograph.  

Next up will be shaving the long hood with an eye towards creating an all electric switcher like the ones Deutsches Bundesbahn had... 

This won't be a Geep.  Or a Beep.  It'll be an EEEP!   



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Last edited by M. Mitchell Marmel

You guys are all making me feel inadequate.

Paul- the flats look great. That section is really gonna be nice. WKRP was probably one of the best sit-coms of all time. It doesn't get the praise it deserves.

Pete- It's fun taking this old stuff we play with a making it like new again. Gotta tackle my KW one day.

Lee- that service station looks like the real thing. But so does your whole layout. Bravo!

Tanner111- Nice bridge. Keep the pix coming.

Mitch- well....I don't know what to say except- Is there anything you won't paint red and stick a panto-graph on??

Steve- nice control panels


I'm heading to the Westchester Toy Train show today. Going to meet up with a bunch of OGR members. Hope to get my Polar Express going under the tree later too!




Last edited by RSJB18
RSJB18 posted:

Mitch- well....I don't know what to say except- Is there anything you won't paint red and stick a panto-graph on??

I draw the line at hamburgers.   

I'm heading to the Westchester Toy Train show today. Going to meet up with a bunch of OGR members. Hope to get my Polar Express going under the tree later too!

Have fun!  Give the OGR guys my regards!   


M. Mitchell Marmel posted:

My latest victim project arrived today,  courtesy of @GTW Ralph


Nice thing about acquiring someone else's errors is that one can cheerfully do most anything to 'em with no painful twinges of conscience...  

Below,  the painted over window insert yields to the ministrations of generic Lectric Shave and a cotton swab... 


A bit of Lectric Shave on the shell revealed that this left the factory painted for the Reading.    I think it's gonna wind up sporting Razorback Red and a pantograph.  

Next up will be shaving the long hood with an eye towards creating an all electric switcher like the ones Deutsches Bundesbahn had... 

This won't be a Geep.  Or a Beep.  It'll be an EEEP!   


Mitch, looking forward to your finished product.  Thanks for the tip on Lectric shave. 

Dan Padova posted:

Mitch, looking forward to your finished product.  Thanks for the tip on Lectric shave. 

My pleasure!  I learned about it at my former place of employment.  

Here's some test-fitting shots of the Eeep! 


I think I'm going for the scale pantograph, mounted on the roof.   It actually works with the Beep's scale end profile better than the traditional sized pan does.     

Incidentally, if anyone has Beep parts,   I could use both headlight/numberboard assemblies and the short handrail from the right hand side,  short hood forward.   Thanks!



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chris a posted:

Lee:  Totally agree with Frank's comments, outstanding work on the Grindstaff store....  Those gas pumps are exeptional...  Could we see a daytime shot of the store ? 

Thank you very much for all the kind words, everyone.

Chris, here is a shot of the structure with the lights on.


Its a modified Woodland Scenics Ethyl's Gas Station structure.


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                started getting out some Christmas trains last night...


          and IZZY was helping,  as long as she got to stay by her fireplace...


      my new girlfriend came over to help decorate with this neat surprise...



                         time to start filling IZZY's stocking with goodies...


                                                had a fun night... 



                 probably going to need a little coal in my stocking this year...


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Last edited by briansilvermustang
RSJB18 posted:

Pete- It's fun taking this old stuff we play with a making it like new again. Gotta tackle my KW one day.

I'm heading to the Westchester Toy Train show today. Going to meet up with a bunch of OGR members. Hope to get my Polar Express going under the tree later too!




You got that right, Bob! I have 2 old KWs that could benefit from a shave and a haircut.  Need to find some guidance media before taking them apart.

I am heading over to the Westchester County Center for the train show too.  Be there around 11:30. I’ll be wearing a suit because I have a K of C function later in the day. Hope we bump into each other.


HCSader73 posted:
RSJB18 posted:

Pete- It's fun taking this old stuff we play with a making it like new again. Gotta tackle my KW one day.

I'm heading to the Westchester Toy Train show today. Going to meet up with a bunch of OGR members. Hope to get my Polar Express going under the tree later too!




You got that right, Bob! I have 2 old KWs that could benefit from a shave and a haircut.  Need to find some guidance media before taking them apart.

I am heading over to the Westchester County Center for the train show too.  Be there around 11:30. I’ll be wearing a suit because I have a K of C function later in the day. Hope we bump into each other.


Last minute change in plans Pete- not going to make it after all. Enjoy the show.


Mike, your right I am running out of room. I am going to hav to raise the tables to gert more under them LOL. 

This morning  I went to the Toy & Train show in Kirkland, Ohio. Not a very big show and I did not expect to find anything but I landed 3 Weaver reefers for a great price. With the fun time over, a quick lunch and it is back to work on the layout.Pic..........Paul



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Look at this entire thread. Look at this entire forum. Have you ever seen a nicer group of folks gathered together for the same purpose? Such good and nice people. Forever young, too. The joy here, on display, is unmeasurable. True joie de vivre!

May your hearts always be so joyful.


P.S. As I am writing this, I am listening to Joan Baez singing, "Forever Young," which has made me think of the many very pleasant voices I have read on this thread and met in-person at shows and meets. I am a lucky man. Life is very good.

Last edited by Moonson

Today after lunch I did a number of different things. Got all the flats along the long wall glued in groups. The last section is drying and when dry I can put furring strips on that one. Then except for maybe painting the inside of the windows they are set to be glued on the wall. Still have to cut balsa wood for the roofs over the doorways and a couple of loading docks. Also did the first section going around the corner. That called for a small section to be glued to the end. The roof building has one coat of paint on the roof and door. I glued together the safety cage and ladder for the silos. That will have to be cut to fit. Have to go searching for the stuff I bought to make the small building for the top of the silos. Still have to secide on a color for the inside of the windows that looks like incandescent color. Pics.............Paul




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