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Chris, sorry you came down with a cold but at least it did not keep you from doing something on the layout. Weathering came out sweet.

Today I finally got some time in on my layout. I believe I got the building flats in the order I want them in. So maybe after dinner I can start gluing some of them together. I ended up running the flats further then I had started out to do. I brought them around the corner and if I do want I want to do I have to order a few more flats from Mr Muffin. Pics of the final decision.............Paul



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paul 2 posted:

Today I finally got some time in on my layout. I believe I got the building flats in the order I want them in. So maybe after dinner I can start gluing some of them together. I ended up running the flats further then I had started out to do. I brought them around the corner and if I do want I want to do I have to order a few more flats from Mr Muffin. Pics of the final decision.............Paul


Paul, all that diligent work on the building flats paid off. They look perfect!

HCSader73 posted:

Mark, making the images for decals is not hard. Like most things it just takes some getting used to. The biggest obstacle is getting proficient at a specific photo editing program, like Adobe's Photoshop, or GIMP freeware. Only when you know your way around the program can your artistic skills take flight.

By an odd coincidence,  I happen to be fairly skilled with GIMP, at least in the basic functions. 

If anyone on this forum needs help making a GIF or BMP file out of a photograph or JPEG  image they found online just email it to me and I will make a transparency for you. Then you can make your own decals.

And if anyone needs some instruction on using GIMP,  I'd be happy to stream a tutorial session.   


Mark, I try to contribute where I can. I don't know a lot, but have learned some tricks here and there. I really like that people are willing to share!

Pete, that sure is a cool idea! Just might have to do a USMC Car! But I think an Embassy Guard car would be very cool!

Paul you are almost to the point where you will have to move onto something else! What's next? The flats are looking just wonderful and will bring the area to life!

WOW John, I blink an eye and next thing you know your room is almost full! Nice work!

Chris, the box cars are perfect! You have such wonderful skills! Maybe one day down the road I will be giving that a try!

Brian I am with Matt, The Warbonnets look Great! I will have to keep an eye open for one on Christmas to see if Mark is right about Santas ride!

Mike, Yes I know you are like so many, contribute what you can!  

John, I like that Mianne in your room.  I haven't bothered Tim lately, but I suspect my order won't be shipped until January.  It works great, because I am not ready to start it anyway.

All I have done on the layout is move some trains upstairs to run on the Christmas layout over the season.  Being semi-retired and laid off from semi, I would like to do a bit more prep work for the new layout in the family room, but this sciatic problem has prevented it.  Like my late father-in-law used to say, "You play the cards you are dealt."  


Brian, so you are saying Sante Clause rides the Santa Fe??  You have totally rewritten my understanding of the jolly old elf!!!  I’m in shock!! 

Brian I am with Matt, The Warbonnets look Great! I will have to keep an eye open for one on Christmas to see if Mark is right about Santas ride!





                                  Lately, Santa has been spotted...

                                                       rolling with BNSF and BN...















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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Not much happening on the train table, but we got a circle of fastrack around the tree....and then we expanded 60 inches westward to make a respectable loop.

I Didn’t take too many photos or videos as running trains with excited kids is similar to fishing with excited kids, you get to spend a lot of time untangling and re-railing 😀 just happy to see them enjoying it, even when testing the laws of physics over and over again.2ACD97D3-35F0-4436-96F9-C8390C2D39B3


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          picked me a couple new REINDEER recently,

                                       now what to name them... hmmm   HO  HO HO !


                       need to get out my trusty :





     uh oh, don't  think these guys are to happy with my new reindeer...


          better take them out for another spin... HO HO HO !!!

                                         and check in and see how the ELF's are doing...



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Last edited by briansilvermustang

Taking my time to figure out how I am going to mount all these flats. So I took the first three and glued them end to end. Hoping once the glue sets I can flip them over and apply strips of black foam to the backs. Then put adhesive on the foam and press them against the wall. Then keep repeating that all the way down to the corner. Pic.......Paul



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lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


Thanks I will maybe I can get some train time in this weekend 

Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


You beat me to it Fendermain!!!! Family first!!!!!


Woodson posted:
Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


You beat me to it Fendermain!!!! Family first!!!!!



Take my Blackwater Canyon Line design in my signature line.  When John C brought up the Western Maryland line, I dug out old hand drawings of an HO layout that I was planning on the Western Maryland from Elkins to Westernport.  The date on my drawing was 2001.  I had the benchwork built, but it only served as a table to assemble dollhouses with two little girls.  Later when they had school projects, they would show me a plan, I would suggest materials, they would hop up to the "train" table, I showed them how to us cardboard, stripwood, styrene, Sculptamold, Woodland Scenics products, etc, and they built a portion of the Great wall of China, the Roman Coliseum; just two I remember that took up space in our attic for years.  All the while, I was fixing toys with styrene, wood, CA and other items.

Now they are both grown and married.  The younger is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  He was so excited to give me one of the first copies of a video he edited for a new company of the layout of a Well-known modeler in HO circles.  They are working on the deal for a second video.  They brought us a Internet ready flat screen TV because I am tired of paying for basic cable and getting little to watch on our old CRT TVs.  Right now I am on a pain medicine for my bad sciatic nerve and shouldn't drive.  This morning, I called up the older daughter to take me to the drug store to get a new prescription I got at the ER last night.  This was the third time in a week I have called her to drive me.  She was happy to, and took me while her husband slept after working night shift managing a Sheetz convenience store.  She even offered to bring me a snack from the Sheetz.

All this to say, waiting from 2001 to 2018 was a long time to start benchwork again.  I longed to get back at it always.  It was well worth the wait!

Mark,   that's a great post about your family history with your daughters.  All those modelling skills will be put to good use in the not too distant future.   Very sorry to hear that the lower back situation is not getting any better.   If you get a minute, send me an email and give me an update.  My back was real bad for about 3 weeks, bad enough that I took some left over pain meds from my shoulder surgery.   It's been 16 good years since back surgery in 2002.   Anyway I kept exercising, stretching, walking, sitting on ice packs several times a day,  and going to the chiropractor.  It finally healed up enough that I stopped taking the pain meds.   Hoping there's some relief in your future.   

Mark Boyce posted:
Woodson posted:
Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


You beat me to it Fendermain!!!! Family first!!!!!



Take my Blackwater Canyon Line design in my signature line.  When John C brought up the Western Maryland line, I dug out old hand drawings of an HO layout that I was planning on the Western Maryland from Elkins to Westernport.  The date on my drawing was 2001.  I had the benchwork built, but it only served as a table to assemble dollhouses with two little girls.  Later when they had school projects, they would show me a plan, I would suggest materials, they would hop up to the "train" table, I showed them how to us cardboard, stripwood, styrene, Sculptamold, Woodland Scenics products, etc, and they built a portion of the Great wall of China, the Roman Coliseum; just two I remember that took up space in our attic for years.  All the while, I was fixing toys with styrene, wood, CA and other items.

Now they are both grown and married.  The younger is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  He was so excited to give me one of the first copies of a video he edited for a new company of the layout of a Well-known modeler in HO circles.  They are working on the deal for a second video.  They brought us a Internet ready flat screen TV because I am tired of paying for basic cable and getting little to watch on our old CRT TVs.  Right now I am on a pain medicine for my bad sciatic nerve and shouldn't drive.  This morning, I called up the older daughter to take me to the drug store to get a new prescription I got at the ER last night.  This was the third time in a week I have called her to drive me.  She was happy to, and took me while her husband slept after working night shift managing a Sheetz convenience store.  She even offered to bring me a snack from the Sheetz.

All this to say, waiting from 2001 to 2018 was a long time to start benchwork again.  I longed to get back at it always.  It was well worth the wait!

Mark and everybody else if you have great children that care for you thought  out your life no matter what you are blessed. 

lee drennen posted:
Mark Boyce posted:
Woodson posted:
Fendermain posted:
lee drennen posted:

Sorry guys for no post I’ve been really busy been going to my oldest daughters basketball games this is her last year playing before she graduates this year figure I can always run, build train  anytime 


Family always comes first..tell your daughter good luck with the games.  I have fun watching my grandkids games.


You beat me to it Fendermain!!!! Family first!!!!!



Take my Blackwater Canyon Line design in my signature line.  When John C brought up the Western Maryland line, I dug out old hand drawings of an HO layout that I was planning on the Western Maryland from Elkins to Westernport.  The date on my drawing was 2001.  I had the benchwork built, but it only served as a table to assemble dollhouses with two little girls.  Later when they had school projects, they would show me a plan, I would suggest materials, they would hop up to the "train" table, I showed them how to us cardboard, stripwood, styrene, Sculptamold, Woodland Scenics products, etc, and they built a portion of the Great wall of China, the Roman Coliseum; just two I remember that took up space in our attic for years.  All the while, I was fixing toys with styrene, wood, CA and other items.

Now they are both grown and married.  The younger is a musician and her husband is a videographer/editor.  He was so excited to give me one of the first copies of a video he edited for a new company of the layout of a Well-known modeler in HO circles.  They are working on the deal for a second video.  They brought us a Internet ready flat screen TV because I am tired of paying for basic cable and getting little to watch on our old CRT TVs.  Right now I am on a pain medicine for my bad sciatic nerve and shouldn't drive.  This morning, I called up the older daughter to take me to the drug store to get a new prescription I got at the ER last night.  This was the third time in a week I have called her to drive me.  She was happy to, and took me while her husband slept after working night shift managing a Sheetz convenience store.  She even offered to bring me a snack from the Sheetz.

All this to say, waiting from 2001 to 2018 was a long time to start benchwork again.  I longed to get back at it always.  It was well worth the wait!

Mark and everybody else if you have great children that care for you thought  out your life no matter what you are blessed. 

AMEN, Lee!!!  They also see how we care for their grandparents, which I hope is a good example.

Thank you!!

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