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mike g. posted:

Brian, Cool lookin g Browns car!

Mark isn't that the truth, Makes me wonder what's next! LOL

Johan, wonderful job on the pipe car! The weathering looks great!

SEX60, looks like a fun time!

Lew, Nice looking switcher! Be careful if you start collecting you could end up with a missing roomie! LOL

Lee, the NO Trespassing signs look perfect for your layout!

Bill, Nice job on the lighting for the engine shed! I am sorry about the switches, but it will give you something to do another day! Looks like you have a great watch dog there Bill! Better keep here happy so she will guard your radio equipment! You might want to get another dog to guard the train stuff while your at it! LOL

Well guys I didn't get any train time lately as I have been playing lumberjack! I got all the logs bucked up into rounds and today after a board meeting I will began splitting! OH what fun it will be! LOL Here are a couple pictures of me work so far!IMG_20191011_162244774IMG_20191011_162219633                                            I hope everyone has a great Saturday and please find time to have fun with your trains and your layout!

Mike. Thank you Sir.🤝


mike g. posted:
lee drennen posted:

Mike looks like No train time today thanks for the reminder 

Lee, I don't see train room time for me for a couple days! We have to split and stack in the wood shed. The good thing is the splitter is right outside the door to the wood shed, the bad thing as far a work goes there is a boat load of wood! LOL

Have a great Saturday!

Mike I will show you my splitter later have fun and be safe today 

mike g. posted:


Well guys I didn't get any train time lately as I have been playing lumberjack! I got all the logs bucked up into rounds and today after a board meeting I will began splitting! OH what fun it will be! LOL Here are a couple pictures of me work so far!IMG_20191011_162244774                                            I hope everyone has a great Saturday and please find time to have fun with your trains and your layout!

Mike, you know what they say about wood: it warms you when you cut it, when you carry it, when you buck it, when you split it and when you stack it....then finally when you burn it. 


Thanks everyone for the words of support! LOL

Bob, the wood is all ours for next winter,

Lew I know what your talking about, I have been warm enough the last couple of days and more to come. But the only one I like is when I am sitting in front of the fire place with a nice warm drink~!

Lee, out of that whole list you stated the only thing I really had a input in was the train room! LOL God and the CEO who is second to god has been making the rest of the decisions!

geysergazer posted:
p51 posted:

I had painted a full size no trespassing sign to hang in the layout room... 

So I made prints of a photo of it in O scale and put them on posts around the layout.1011191646a-01

That right there is an excellent modeling technique!

Lee, you reminded me of something:


IIRC during the War there was a nationwide 35mph speed limit.

Yep, good memory!

On the layout, that sign is going up eventually...



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CBED3281-069A-48FF-B55E-04EF8D07479E7FE4E3A6-A192-418A-8296-BC21D24F56B82273405D-CC0D-4D7A-A118-84F1100DC038A5E08008-6CCA-4C44-9013-13D6C2D8BB559095F32F-C1B1-4D26-A1BB-35BB2BAA096B0E2D18A0-538A-4D7A-805A-20086A35D479FD7D1D46-0141-4013-9072-6867775022F16E13F44B-86CD-4CEA-A231-ED9F25416D8A26CADE65-40B8-4500-B1C6-26A1C5A9465348DAA113-2CBF-44E6-9B46-123FAE3622EED2897FDB-27A9-4FE2-8EE9-022F2B3A748EThis morning I put some Weaver/Kadee type Couplers on a few Weaver hoppers but left the 3 rail trucks. When removing the lobster claw coupler it sets to low so I used some evergreen tube that I had and made some spacers and it done the trick. I’m sure someone has posted this before but if not hope this helps 

Mike C. I was thinking of you when I was working on this and all those Weavers you say your going to convert. I have quite a few my self. Here’s some pics 


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Excellent work everyone!  Mike, I think you worked harder than all the rest of us put together!!

I had planned to join the NorthEast Ohio fellows this morning for breakfast and a visit to Eric's layout in Hiram.  Well, the bad knee has been kicking out on me all week.  The longer I sit, the worse it is.  So I decided I wasn't going to drive 1 3/4 hours each way to join them.  I would have had to get up at 3 to get there in time with all the stops I would have had to make.  

So instead, I ended up taking my wife and older daughter to my Mum and Dad's empty house to go through some things they may want.  Yesterday we got the official offer agreement to sign to sell the house for the appraised value to a local organization that provides elder care and housing.  They have been buying up everything they can get their hands on.  They will take the 131-year old house, out buildings and property pretty much as is, fix what they want, and rent it out until they have other plans.  My guess is as much as they own and as far as this is from their other facilities, the house still may be standing when my generation has all passed on.  So there is some work to be done before my surgery, but not what I had feared.  

So there won't be much train time for a while other than checking out what all of you are doing.  

lee drennen posted:

2C4FB413-BE96-4D58-A76F-DA0AB2946A8DHey Brian what do you think of my commanders chair for the layout? My bosses son who runs the shop gave this brand new air seat to me about ten years ago I was playing around with it today in the garage 

                hey Lee, you've got the "MACK' daddy of control seats there 

                                     you do have the air ride for comfort hooked up , right... 

                                                now you're gonna have hook up an air horn to go with it...  

                                                            that is a pretty cool seat !!    have fun !



Last edited by briansilvermustang
Mark Boyce posted:

Excellent work everyone!  Mike, I think you worked harder than all the rest of us put together!!

I had planned to join the NorthEast Ohio fellows this morning for breakfast and a visit to Eric's layout in Hiram.  Well, the bad knee has been kicking out on me all week.  The longer I sit, the worse it is.  So I decided I wasn't going to drive 1 3/4 hours each way to join them.  I would have had to get up at 3 to get there in time with all the stops I would have had to make.  

So instead, I ended up taking my wife and older daughter to my Mum and Dad's empty house to go through some things they may want.  Yesterday we got the official offer agreement to sign to sell the house for the appraised value to a local organization that provides elder care and housing.  They have been buying up everything they can get their hands on.  They will take the 131-year old house, out buildings and property pretty much as is, fix what they want, and rent it out until they have other plans.  My guess is as much as they own and as far as this is from their other facilities, the house still may be standing when my generation has all passed on.  So there is some work to be done before my surgery, but not what I had feared.  

So there won't be much train time for a while other than checking out what all of you are doing.  

Yes I agree I was lazy too played with trains in the garage did a little work outside mostly on trains. Get progress everyone 


I spent most of today on the S gauge layout. I ran the super O during breakfast but then went over to the other. I’m changing some things around. Adding the cattle corral (off to the left in the photo) and adding a new siding in front for the passenger station. Everything went pretty well until I couldn’t get power to one side of the switch. I spent the rest of my time trying to get that to work. Never have figured it out. It’s always frustrating to walk away from the layout annoyed but I guess everyone has those days. Hope everyone else had a great Saturday in the train room. If it’s worth anything, I left the flyer to run O gauge and felt much better....


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briansilvermustang posted:
lee drennen posted:

2C4FB413-BE96-4D58-A76F-DA0AB2946A8DHey Brian what do you think of my commanders chair for the layout? My bosses son who runs the shop gave this brand new air seat to me about ten years ago I was playing around with it today in the garage 

                hey Lee, you've got the "MACK' daddy of control seats there 

                                     you do have the air ride for comfort hooked up , right... 

                                                now you're gonna have hook up an air horn to go with it...  

                                                            that is a pretty cool seat !!    have fun !



Thanks Brian I knew you would like it. The air isn’t hooked up thought 

Berkshirelover726 posted:


I spent most of today on the S gauge layout. I ran the super O during breakfast but then went over to the other. I’m changing some things around. Adding the cattle corral (off to the left in the photo) and adding a new siding in front for the passenger station. Everything went pretty well until I couldn’t get power to one side of the switch. I spent the rest of my time trying to get that to work. Never have figured it out. It’s always frustrating to walk away from the layout annoyed but I guess everyone has those days. Hope everyone else had a great Saturday in the train room. If it’s worth anything, I left the flyer to run O gauge and felt much better....

The resolution to the power switch with come to you right before you wake in the morning.

mike g. posted:

Hi all, I just handed out a lot of likes. I would have tried to comment on everyone's great work, but I am to beat! LOL

I got home from the store yesterday and found out that the nice guy that loaned us his log splitter was coming to get it next week. SO the bucking and splitting has taken priority over anything else. I got half of it bucked up yesterday and will work on the other half today.

Then the fun really starts splitting, good thing I am putting all the rounds under the RV cover as it is spose to rain starting Monday !

Well I hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend! Please try and find time to have fun on your layout and with your trains!

P.S. Brian, in advance of Sunday, I am so SORRY ABOUT YOUR BROWNS!

You handled all those logs and not one blackout my guess...

Count your fingers each time after you flip the lever and the blade runs through the log Mike.

my wife's granddad taught me to run the hydraulics with two hands each pass.

i find I always need two full hand of fingers while placing the engine trucks on those three tracks ...


6AD75073-724D-4962-8EBF-507C9A65E6D155715EB1-9BD1-4677-8792-2F6D6F3F20887402CDBF-BA82-4204-A622-68FB1748A890B4A218CD-2266-4DD3-BB12-86B5B8994AA08C817F10-CE07-480B-B045-AF5111F1311713CBE188-7EF5-407B-9126-8A67F66D299EThis old Weaver Boxcar I’ve had laying around for about 2yrs I bought from eBay the guy didn’t pack it very well and when I got it it was in pieces. He tried to put the Kadee/ Weaver type couplers on but failed some how the latter was broken and the Stirrups and one got lost. So I repaired it the best I could enjoy the pics. 


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After looking at my layout over most of the Summer I finally did something yesterday .

Taking a few photos for yesterday's SWSat I realized that the dust was reaching critical mass and about to overrun my little railroad. So everything got dusted (as well as possible), and then I ran a alcohol-soaked scouring pad over the rails.

Applied power and watched a couple of trains run for a while. Also discovered that months of neglect enlarges the to-do list of maintenance and repairs. Several engines that have been sitting need to be cleaned and lubed. Looks like I have plenty of projects to keep myself busy this winter. First one is to build some storage drawers under the layout. Too many trains and not enough wall space to display them. I keep winding up with grid lock on the layout.

It was good to run the trains again for a while. Been way too long.

2019-10-12 07.08.48

This was the photo that spurred me into action.....

Been following along and passing out lots of "likes". Looking forward to contributing more soon.

Enjoy York this week for all those who are going.



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This morning I shot this cell phone video of my layout in action.   MTH N&W Y6b, William scale Pennsy 44 tonner, MTH Dockside, and MTH trolley all running this morning on the Free State Junction Railway.   Adding to my York shopping list too.    I'll be  at York this Friday and looking forward to it!  I  hope to see some of you there as well  For those who are coming to York, have a safe and pleasant trip   Have a wonderful rest of this weekend everyone!!


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Last edited by trumpettrain

Eric, Nice job on the  service platform.

Brian, looks like the UP is just about to take out the old union 76 pickup! LOL

Lee D, What a great looking chair, My little buddy would love it! LOL Wonderful job on the gondola and box car!

Mark, I am sorry for a couple of reasons, Sorry your knee is acting up. I am sure Bryan and Paul missed you being there! I am sorry to see the homestead of 131 yrs. being sold to a company, it would have been nice if a young family would have bought it and started there own memories!

Cody, the changes look great. I hope you find the power problem and that its an easy fix!

Seth, thanks for the insite. I always keep one hand on the lever and one on top of the round! I really like my fingers! LOL

Bob, its nice to see that you made it to the train room. While your down there watch out for the spider webs also! LOL

Well I get a little break this morning to watch the Hawks take on the Brian's Browns! Should be interesting! Then its back to splitting wood. Spent a good part of the day yesterday and didn't even put a dent in the pile of wood!

I hope everyone has a great Sunday and find some time for trains and layout fun!TankLee D, Here is my little buddy! LOL


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  • Tank

Thank you, Mike!!  Yes it is going to be hard to give up the old homestead.  Sad it represents liquid assets that needs spent before we can get Medicaid to help Mum.  

One bright spot, the Group buying it is an expansion of the ministry that served poor men who needed health and spiritual care years ago.  My uncle, Mum’s late brother who worked with and played high school football with Dad, helped That ministry and there felt called to church ministry for his life’s work.  As Dad often quotes, God works in mysterious ways!

Nice work everyone, especially Lee for the tips on truck and coupler mounting.

My contribution is a status report on my two most current projects.  First up is the Great Northern Empire Builder train I have been working on but put on hold pending my move from Georgia to Virginia.

At this stage, the GN EB cars are getting close to being done with body work.  I am using LIONEL 15" TCA donors for most of the consist:  RPO, Diner, Full Dome (or in GN parlance a "Great Dome lounge car), Duplex/Roomette, offset vista dome (a/k/a in GN terms:  "Great Dome coach"), and observation car.

The primed cars have been receiving filler/putty and sanding, and repeat until entirely smooth sided without any recesses running along the sides.  The photo of the still painted TCA duplex car shows the recesses in the silver striping and just above the trucks' location.  The red marker lines are used to identify areas requiring more attention with filler/sanding.

Projects 013Projects 014Projects 015Projects 016

The last photo is of two former UP vista domes.  These are entirely smooth-sided (thankfully) except for a recess running the length of the car at the roof line that is visible on the rear car--the front car has already been filled in.  One will be for the GN EB train and the other will become a dome coach on the Northern Pacific North Coast Limited I painted many years ago.

At the moment, I am waiting for delivery of more filler/putty to get closer to finishing the bodywork at which I am so incompetent.

Not pictured is the observation car which will be anything but prototypical.  Not that any of these are prototypical.  I strive for verisimilitude; so window arrangements, manufacturer of the prototype compared to LIONEL's model, and those sorts of facts are irrelevant to me.  

I'll post more when I get further along.



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mike g. posted:

Eric, Nice job on the  service platform.

Brian, looks like the UP is just about to take out the old union 76 pickup! LOL

Lee D, What a great looking chair, My little buddy would love it! LOL Wonderful job on the gondola and box car!

Mark, I am sorry for a couple of reasons, Sorry your knee is acting up. I am sure Bryan and Paul missed you being there! I am sorry to see the homestead of 131 yrs. being sold to a company, it would have been nice if a young family would have bought it and started there own memories!

Cody, the changes look great. I hope you find the power problem and that its an easy fix!

Seth, thanks for the insite. I always keep one hand on the lever and one on top of the round! I really like my fingers! LOL

Bob, its nice to see that you made it to the train room. While your down there watch out for the spider webs also! LOL

Well I get a little break this morning to watch the Hawks take on the Brian's Browns! Should be interesting! Then its back to splitting wood. Spent a good part of the day yesterday and didn't even put a dent in the pile of wood!

I hope everyone has a great Sunday and find some time for trains and layout fun!TankLee D, Here is my little buddy! LOL

He is adorable Mike just like the Mack Bulldog they used in the 40s-60s ads 

Pingman posted:

Nice work everyone, especially Lee for the tips on truck and coupler mounting.

My contribution is a status report on my two most current projects.  First up is the Great Northern Empire Builder train I have been working on but put on hold pending my move from Georgia to Virginia.

At this stage, the GN EB cars are getting close to being done with body work.  I am using LIONEL 15" TCA donors for most of the consist:  RPO, Diner, Full Dome (or in GN parlance a "Great Dome lounge car), Duplex/Roomette, offset vista dome (a/k/a in GN terms:  "Great Dome coach"), and observation car.

The primed cars have been receiving filler/putty and sanding, and repeat until entirely smooth sided without any recesses running along the sides.  The photo of the still painted TCA duplex car shows the recesses in the silver striping and just above the trucks' location.  The red marker lines are used to identify areas requiring more attention with filler/sanding.

Projects 013Projects 014Projects 015Projects 016

The last photo is of two former UP vista domes.  These are entirely smooth-sided (thankfully) except for a recess running the length of the car at the roof line that is visible on the rear car--the front car has already been filled in.  One will be for the GN EB train and the other will become a dome coach on the Northern Pacific North Coast Limited I painted many years ago.

At the moment, I am waiting for delivery of more filler/putty to get closer to finishing the bodywork at which I am so incompetent.

Not pictured is the observation car which will be anything but prototypical.  Not that any of these are prototypical.  I strive for verisimilitude; so window arrangements, manufacturer of the prototype compared to LIONEL's model, and those sorts of facts are irrelevant to me.  

I'll post more when I get further along.



Thanks for the complement those are look nice 

Happy Sunday all, hope everyone had a great weekend! Haven't got much done with the layout lately but received this B40-8W Saturday and spent a few hours today making a couple soldering repairs to it.


Just have the front conductors side handrail to repair and convert the drives to P:48 then I can get it prepped and painted up as a Warbonnet. Hopefully when I'm done it will look sort of like one of these. 



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Last edited by jgtrh62
jgtrh62 posted:

Happy Sunday all, hope everyone had a great weekend! Haven't got much done with the layout lately but received this B40-8W Saturday and spend a few hours today making a couple soldering repairs to it.


Just have the front conductors side handrail to repair and convert the drives to P:48 then I can get it prepped and painted up as a Warbonnet. Hopefully when I'm done it will look sort of like on of these. 


So at what speed did you back off ?   Obviously you live somewhere toward the left coast, where there's room to make such shots as yours.  We here in the Northeast, have to watch trains between buildings.  

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