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Lew. Great looking SW1500 hope you enjoy it

Patrick. I agree love those eye level shots 

Hope everyone is well and stay well. I’m switching out my All Nations car I built with Lionel Trucks. It’s getting to hard to find those old Atlas “O” trucks and sleezbay wants a fortune and adding Kadees is also getting expensive. I have a good supply of these Lionel Trucks so I decided to change them here’s one I got done tonight enjoy the pics   


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chris a posted:

Lew, beautiful B & M SW1500, I have always liked the maroon / yellow gold paint scheme.   Make sure to thoroughly clean the wheels and pick up rollers before you set it on the track.   I purchased the Atlas O RS-1, similar locomotive used.   It was giving me fits until I got on the forum and started asking questions about erratic running.....

Turned out my Atlas RS-1 has only one pick up roller per truck, and only one axle that picks up ground (common) since the other axle has traction tires.  The drive wheels didn't look that dirty, but when I started cleaning them with electrical contact cleaner and 91% isopropyl alcohol, I was amazed at the dirt coming out of the cast wheels.   It ran 100% better after a really thorough cleaning.  

Johan,  the BAR GP7 looks amazing especially in front of that backdrop !

Trumptrain,  this is a great photo , really like the "near ground level perspective" 

No train time for me this week,  trying to get a couple of jobs done at work before the weather gets worse.  

Chris. Thanks.🤝




Mark Boyce posted:

Johan, I couldn't agree with Randy more!!  Also, that Linde car is really neat and the weathering is superb as I have come to expect from you!!

Mark. Thank you. I am really happy you like it. I like test a more some Maine style backdrops. We gonna change all our S.B.R. layout backdrops. It's a really big project build a all those pics, but i hope that after some months i have something what to show. 🤝


BAR GP7 #63 posted:
Mark Boyce posted:

Johan, I couldn't agree with Randy more!!  Also, that Linde car is really neat and the weathering is superb as I have come to expect from you!!

Mark. Thank you. I am really happy you like it. I like test a more some Maine style backdrops. We gonna change all our S.B.R. layout backdrops. It's a really big project build a all those pics, but i hope that after some months i have something what to show. 🤝


It will be worth the effort!


I had the whole town pulled out yesterday to do some track work and try to figure out where my cattle car and pen are going to live. I've had it for a good while but just haven't set it up yet. I should hopefully get some time tomorrow to hook it up. 

I'll be down at my folk's house today to run the O gauge stuff. Have a great Friday everyone!


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Hi all, I just handed out a lot of likes. I would have tried to comment on everyone's great work, but I am to beat! LOL

I got home from the store yesterday and found out that the nice guy that loaned us his log splitter was coming to get it next week. SO the bucking and splitting has taken priority over anything else. I got half of it bucked up yesterday and will work on the other half today.

Then the fun really starts splitting, good thing I am putting all the rounds under the RV cover as it is spose to rain starting Monday !

Well I hope everyone has a great Friday and weekend! Please try and find time to have fun on your layout and with your trains!

P.S. Brian, in advance of Sunday, I am so SORRY ABOUT YOUR BROWNS!

What'd I do? Unpacked and road tested this old beauty:


I don't think it's ever been run before. I opened the throttle and she glided off as smoooooth as silk. Atlas O SW9 (two stacks so a V12 567B or BC) with the old Dallee sound and electronic E-unit. 

I dunno'. This thing is so smooth and quiet and the detailing and livery are so crisp I may have found something I have to start collecting .


On Edit: Pic of the prototype taken in 1980 at the link:



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Last edited by geysergazer
geysergazer posted:

What'd I do? Unpacked and road tested this old beauty:


I don't think it's ever been run before. I opened the throttle and she glided off as smoooooth as silk. Atlas O SW9 (two stacks so a V12 567B or BC) with the old Dallee sound and electronic E-unit. 

I dunno'. This thing is so smooth and quiet and the detailing and livery are so crisp I may have found something I have to start collecting .


On Edit: Pic of the prototype taken in 1980 at the link:



that is a beautiful switcher better get it warmed up for tomorrow morning you know what day it is 

I finished wiring six new-to-me O22 switches.  Four work correctly.  One works part time and one plays dead.  I tested all of them before installation.  They all have original type bulbs.  They are too hot and too bright.  I found direct replacement LED's.  It will be a while before my train budget recovers enough for that.  I will experiment with some LEDs and resistors I have laying around.  I put  a 1055 Texas Special on the track for testing.  The part time switchs non-derail function does not work.  To relieve the frustration, I shuffled some box cars and put some smoke fluid in my steamers.  Tomorrow is another day.

I almost forgot.  I put lights in my engine shed.

engine shed


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p51 posted:

I had painted a full size no trespassing sign to hang in the layout room... 

So I made prints of a photo of it in O scale and put them on posts around the layout.1011191646a-01

That right there is an excellent modeling technique!

Lee, you reminded me of something:


IIRC during the War there was a nationwide 35mph speed limit.


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Brian, Cool lookin g Browns car!

Mark isn't that the truth, Makes me wonder what's next! LOL

Johan, wonderful job on the pipe car! The weathering looks great!

SEX60, looks like a fun time!

Lew, Nice looking switcher! Be careful if you start collecting you could end up with a missing roomie! LOL

Lee, the NO Trespassing signs look perfect for your layout!

Bill, Nice job on the lighting for the engine shed! I am sorry about the switches, but it will give you something to do another day! Looks like you have a great watch dog there Bill! Better keep here happy so she will guard your radio equipment! You might want to get another dog to guard the train stuff while your at it! LOL

Well guys I didn't get any train time lately as I have been playing lumberjack! I got all the logs bucked up into rounds and today after a board meeting I will began splitting! OH what fun it will be! LOL Here are a couple pictures of me work so far!IMG_20191011_162244774IMG_20191011_162219633                                            I hope everyone has a great Saturday and please find time to have fun with your trains and your layout!


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lee drennen posted:

Mike looks like No train time today thanks for the reminder 

Lee, I don't see train room time for me for a couple days! We have to split and stack in the wood shed. The good thing is the splitter is right outside the door to the wood shed, the bad thing as far a work goes there is a boat load of wood! LOL

Have a great Saturday!

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