Packed up my Preiser 65602 Seated People I painted and took inventory. I combined the Chinese figures of similar people with the Preiser in individual boxes. There are 30 different people and three variations of the people. The thirty-three boxes of people will be packed away until winter weather when I will continue painting.
Not only have I painted the Preiser 65602 Seated People, but I found 25 bags from Chinese figures that each had contained 50 Unpainted Figures. That's 1,250 more people I painted. As I organized my work area, I discovered 14 more unopened bags of 50 seated people from China tucked into the bottom drawer of my paint cart. . . . and I just ordered three more bags on Wednesday night. Evemodel on Ebay has changed the figures in their packages, and I now get only two (instead of eight) of needed figures in each $9.99 bag. Preiser stopped making some of these 1/50 figures that fit nicely in the Lionel Dining Cars.
Have a good weekend.
Sincerely, John Rowlen