With Thanksgiving so close I began thinking about what an ideal Thanksgiving themed train item might be. I might like an operating turkey car myself.
Bob C.
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With Thanksgiving so close I began thinking about what an ideal Thanksgiving themed train item might be. I might like an operating turkey car myself.
Bob C.
Replies sorted oldest to newest
An Atlas reefer logoed for a large turkey poultry packer....
Operating gondola: A "native American" with a tomahawk chasing a "pilgrim" around a stack of pumpkins.
I'll Buy yours Pete.
The Les Nessman Helicopter Turkey Launch Car.
A Car launches the helicopter and turkeys fall out of the copter onto the layout. An accompanying sound car would say "As God as my witness I thought turkeys could fly".
How about a corn cob tank car, like this but with trucks under it:
Whatever the design, I'm sure it'll be a turkey (best pilgrim hat I could find)
How about an animated scene of the first Thanksgiving dinner with a smoking cabin in the background?
Bob C.
Operating gondola: A "native American" with a tomahawk chasing a "pilgrim" around a stack of pumpkins.
Or a pilgrim chasing a turkey.
Well, as a manufactured, factory accessory, how about a "turkey shoot" car where a turkey or turkeys would stick their heads up and down sort of like wack-a-mole a country boy would pop up randomly and try to shoot one from the trailing car - sort of like that scene in Sergeant York. You could have fun with that.
As to home-made, well, this is the second year I will not have time to build mine own favorite Thanksgiving accessory: a 'Streets Thanksgiving parade, with about six floats and a couple of Caddy convertibles with beauty queens and a "marching band, etc., and at the end a gigantic float with Santa on it, waving to the crowd. I really want to do that, and have designed all of it and know it will work well, but all these other pesky projects keep getting in the way . . .
I believe that Lee is on to something good. How about an accessory manufacturer doing Macy Parade style inflatables for a parade. This could also be added to a Christmas layout.
Lee, best idea so far.
More like this:
quote:The Les Nessman Helicopter Turkey Launch Car.
Yeah, too bad Lionel didn't make the new "Thanksgiving Poultry Car" operating where the man could keep giving away/ throwing out turkeys.
Well, as a manufactured, factory accessory, how about a "turkey shoot" car where a turkey or turkeys would stick their heads up and down sort of like wack-a-mole a country boy would pop up randomly and try to shoot one from the trailing car - sort of like that scene in Sergeant York. You could have fun with that.
That was the first one I thought of when I saw this thread title...a bash of the Lionel Sheriff & Outlaw car, maybe swapping out the Sheriff with a pilgrim figure and the outlaw with a turkey. A little micro switch to trigger a 'gobbling' sound effect when the turkey popped up would also be a nice touch, and possibly even a cornucopia image on the side of the car to finish it off.
The streets parade would be a great Turkey Day display Lee.
Otherwise a 'chase' gondola with Steve Martin running after John Candy...
How about an operating turkey coral like the cattle car but with vibrating gobblers. Gobble sound would be added.
Bob C.
Cranberry sauce tank car.
Eggnog tank car.
TOFC comes to mind...esp from Rochester, ny!
Postings from left field-
-a turkey stock car with a sign saying eat more ham.
-a pig stock car saying eat more turkey.
-an exploding candied yams car...not a fan of yams I am.
-an after dinner sleeper car.
-an action gondola with an Indian chasing a Pilgrim chasing a turkey.
-a boxcar that counts down the number of days till Christmas...oh come on, you know how early the sales start now a days....ok, maybe make that one the exploding one!
How about a mint car with turkeys rotating on a spit.
how about a operating box car similar to the Pepe le pew car.
you could have a turkey on one end and a pilgrim on the other end moving up and down.
How about a Schnabel car carrying the Mayflower?
How about a mint car with turkeys rotating on a spit.
Count me in for this one Jerry - you could even put a rotating football on the other end of the car!
Get a train of ADM, Cargill, Corn Products, and Staley High Fructose Corn Syrup Tank Cars since the canned cranberry sauce always contains HFCS.
I like the Schnabel car idea myself.
Bob C.
I think a gondola with a pilgrim, axe in hand, casing a turkey around the car.
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