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As someone with a more than casual , but not deeply knowledgeable interest in the 20th Century Ltd train, it seems as though the MTH preorder offerings of 20-3903/04 are close to what I believe to be the as delivered 1938 delivered versions.  This conclusion is based upon product catalogs and information gleaned from other threads.

If I am correct is there one of these MTH versions considered more authentic than another for the 1938 as delivered engine?

Also what is the significance of the tender in the 20-3905 offering as it is much more massive than the other tenders.  What version of the 20th Century would this engine have pulled?

I apologize in advance for my ignorance.

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Pete is 100% correct, and I’ll add to his comments, ….driver type will come down to your choice, as all were in Century service until they were bumped. The only thing that dictated which engine was where was assignment. Blue stripe is 38 to 40, no blue stripe 40 & after. PT tenders began on scene in 43, so no PT tender pulling blue stripe cars. ….


Last edited by harmonyards

Probably a typo above. The correct qty of Dreyfuss is a total of ten, five with Boxpoks (5445-5449) and five with Scullins (5450-5454).

What complicates this is that in Sept 1943 the 5450, a Scullin engine, exploded at 75 mph while hauling the Century. So the Scullin drivers and Timken RB rods from 5450 were applied to an existing Boxpok engine, the 5447.

There were four PT-1 14-wheel tenders built at Beech Grove Shops by the RR in 1943. (These were two tone grey with striping.) They were initially applied to Dreyfuss Hudsons 5451 (after two months attached to J-3A Super Hudson 5418), 5453, 5452, and 5450. FYI. The build dates for each of these PT-1 tenders are as follows:

Tender for 5451 built 4/30/43 and applied to 5451 on 6/9/43

5453 built 5/26/43

5452 built 7/43

5450 built 8/43

I believe it is likely, but cannot prove, that these "all roller bearing" Dreyfuss engines with these larger tenders, were the preferred power for the EB and WB Centuries.

@Norton posted:

Assuming both have the blue stripes on the tender they are both correct. NYC had ten built with Boxpok drivers and another ten delivered with Scullin disks. The PT tender was added later to a few and would be appropriate with 1940 cars.


so do you learn such stuff from reading train books. Certainly seems like some in depth knowledge, perhaps I might go down that path...point the way a bit for me. Gary

@Former Member posted:

Thanks to you both.  That is exactly the info I needed.  I would prefer to get one of the as delivered '38 versions however that PT tender is so darn eye catching at least to me.

But I hear you no mix and match!

Well, it’s your road, so it’s your rules, but yes, PT’s well after the 40 change to the Century, …..from everything I’ve learned, railroad officials felt the 38 train set was just too busy looking, hence in late 39, they began rebuilding cars with the 40 scheme …


@harmonyards posted:

Well, it’s your road, so it’s your rules, but yes, PT’s well after the 40 change to the Century, …..from everything I’ve learned, railroad officials felt the 38 train set was just too busy looking, hence in late 39, they began rebuilding cars with the 40 scheme …


I know buy both!

(Not unless I win a substantial scratch off lottery.)

Then I can go prototypical or rogue depending upon my mood!

so do you learn such stuff from reading train books. Certainly seems like some in depth knowledge, perhaps I might go down that path...point the way a bit for me. Gary

A lot I learned here including the correction from @Hudson5432 above. I started to concentrate on the Central maybe a dozen years ago. Best references are Staufers “Thoroughbreds” covering all the NYC Hudsons and “Know Thy Hudsons” by Gerbracht.


Last edited by Norton
@Norton posted:

A lot I learned here including the correction from @Hudson5432 above. I started to concentrate on the Central maybe a dozen years ago. Best references are Staufers “Thoroughbreds” covering all the NYC Hudsons and “Know Thy Hudsons” by Gerbracht.


Thanks, Pete. Just recently returned to ogr and I also will look for your mentioned reference books. Gary

so do you learn such stuff from reading train books. Certainly seems like some in depth knowledge, perhaps I might go down that path...point the way a bit for me. Gary

It also helps to join/subscribe to, the Historical Society for the railroad you are attempting to model. The Historical & Technical Society for the New York Central System has always been a wealth of accurate knowledge.

@Hudson5432 posted:

Probably a typo above. The correct qty of Dreyfuss is a total of ten, five with Boxpoks (5445-5449) and five with Scullins (5450-5454).

What complicates this is that in Sept 1943 the 5450, a Scullin engine, exploded at 75 mph while hauling the Century. So the Scullin drivers and Timken RB rods from 5450 were applied to an existing Boxpok engine, the 5447.

There were four PT-1 14-wheel tenders built at Beech Grove Shops by the RR in 1943. (These were two tone grey with striping.) They were initially applied to Dreyfuss Hudsons 5451 (after two months attached to J-3A Super Hudson 5418), 5453, 5452, and 5450. FYI. The build dates for each of these PT-1 tenders are as follows:

Tender for 5451 built 4/30/43 and applied to 5451 on 6/9/43

5453 built 5/26/43

5452 built 7/43

5450 built 8/43

I believe it is likely, but cannot prove, that these "all roller bearing" Dreyfuss engines with these larger tenders, were the preferred power for the EB and WB Centuries.

That’s something I could never nail down either, ….so you believe by “preferred power” you’re thinking 1st segments, and then the others on 2nd & even 3rd segments? …..


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