Do you ever recall seeing two identical items at a train show, and noticing that one is marked up totally out of whack with the other one? I ask this because I believe last week at York I came across what is probably the biggest gap I've ever seen between two identical items. Interestingly, they were both in Memorial was on the Blue side, one on the Silver. These were both MTH Proto 1.0 engines. I stopped and discussed them with both sellers, and ended up purchasing the lesser expensive of the two. The one I did not buy was almost $300 more than the first one!! It was such a huge markup that I thought at first that I must have been mistaken. So I made a note of the item number, all the details etc. and went back to the first seller and double checked his product. Same exact loco.
I could've easily titled this thread a little differently...something along the lines of "Have you ever seen a Proto 1.0 engine priced at XXX dollars?" "Or what's the most expensive Proto 1.0 engine you've ever seen?" Because the price of the higher one blew me away as it was, even if I hadn't seen the less expensive one. Hey, who knows, maybe the joke will be on me when I take this out of the box and find out that it won't run or something, and that's why I got it for the price I did. (Let's hope that's not the case!  
So have you ever had this experience? Ever see the same item at different halls, or different tables, with prices nowhere near each other?
- Mike