Anecdotal for me, but grounded in reality. I heard it reported that Mike Wolf himself stated that they just didn't sell enough to justify keep making them in conventional, and the lack of the option in the later catalogs backs that up. But no, I am not privy sales numbers.
Thank you for that.
"Heard it reported that Mike . . . stated . . . ," however, is hardly reliable evidence, at least THREE removes from something solid, i.e. "grounded in reality."
Catalog listings could be more substantive, but they could also reflect other variables, such as size of production runs, material acquisition problems, or relative profitability (which does not equal sales).
In other words, though you might be accurately reading the evidence, you might also be engaging in confirmation bias. None of us has the hard evidence in the form of numbers and production history.
The question is moot, really. MTH isn't going to be making any more. I sincerely hope somebody does, including making conventional motors, in order to perpetuate the supply chain necessary for repair and restoration of the originals when necessary.