What would you like to see Lionel present in 2013?
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What would you like to see Lionel present in 2013?
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1. Vintage American Flyer style track. Thay already make straights and wide curves, I want some brand new 21" curves.
2. A classic AF styled steam locomotive, similar in quality and detail level with their O gauge Polar Express Berkshire, but in S Scale.
3. A highly detailed small steam locomotive, maybe a 2-8-0 or even a Mogul. Bonus points if it looks close enough to "western styling" to be a credible SP, UP, or Santa Fe locomotive.
4. A GP9, RS3, or other smallish road engine with detail level similar to Athearn Genesis, etc. (Yes, I know American Models has done them. I want something with more detail out of the box).
5. Their SD70ACe in the legacy Western Pacific scheme.
A GP30 and GP35 diesel locomotive priced at $250-$300.
Pacific Car & Foundry 57' Mechanical Refrigerator Car
Greenbrier AUTO-MAX Articulated 2-Unit Auto Carrier
The Traditional O Gauge Open Bi-Level and Tri-Level Auto Carriers with S Gauge Trucks and 1/64th Scale Automobiles.
The traditional O Gauge Thrall Car Oval opening Center-I Beam Flat Car with Lumber is practically S Scale in size, so it just has to have S Gauge trucks & couplers adapted to it for operation on S Gauge tracks.
The Traditional O Gauge Open Bi-Level and Tri-Level Auto Carriers with S Gauge Trucks and 1/64th Scale Automobiles.
The traditional O Gauge Thrall Car Oval opening Center-I Beam Flat Car with Lumber is practically S Scale in size, so it just has to have S Gauge trucks & couplers adapted to it for operation on S Gauge tracks.
I know I'm in the minority about this, but warmed-over traditional O27 stuff with S Gauge trucks may be expediant, but it is not the way to go to in expanding S.
I would like the following:
1) GS4 Southern Pacific Daylight Steam Engine
2) The Auto rack carriers that they issued in 2012 for O scale but in "S" scale
3) An operating Milk car (They have the mechanism from the loading platform
4) More Fast-traks, half curves, Cross overs, Accessory tracks a all important Rail Road Crossing with Operating Gates and Sound.
I too would like to see the AF Classics return.
My wish lists also includes the 21" track, complete with Remote Control Switches.
Hudson style steam locos, and perhaps a transformer in the 100 to 200 watt range.
More Road numbers.
Occasionally my purchasing is hung up because with my arthritis, I prefer not to have to renumber a car with a eye on operation.
And perhaps look into a USA Source for making, and bring the prices down. At the cost of some of these things (Which are very nice by the way) It is getting easier to order from GGD instead.
Regarding Engines, I hope maybe Williams can consider a 2-8-2 based on the Lionel's own 2-8-2. Lionel may wish to produce a B&O Big 6 or at least a proper scale heavy USRA 2-10-2.
Another candidate that is overlooked is the Cotton Belt L Class 4-8-4 that did very good service back in the day.
Considering Lionel to think about a Modular set of building parts perhaps. I have a few new lighted signage and want to build some new industry to go with them.
Regarding Engines, I hope maybe Williams can consider a 2-8-2 based on the Lionel's own 2-8-2.
I don't think Williams by Bachmann has any intention of getting into S at this time.
I don't think we will see them, but my list of wants remains the same:
(All new scale tooling with scale wheel/coupler options)
SW/NW/MP switchers
Pretty much any steam from an 0-4-0 to 4-8-4. Take a pause on the Giant articulated models for a spell.
I could go on and on, but those would be high on my list.
Most important though is that Lionel should ABSOLUTELY produce scale passenger cars with the nifty spring loaded coupler that they have used in O on the S-3 and the new Autoracks.
Full interior conversion kits for retrofitting Lionel's line of baby madison passenger cars.
Here is an idea...buildings! Take some of the nice O Gauge pre-built buildings and scale them down, they would sell a ton of them.
A read-to-run selection of sets that don't suck.(docksider out!)
TMCC equipped UP Alco PA set. I know its been done before, but with TMCC and better detailing in graphics (like the Texas special set) it would be nice.
C&NW Geep.(TMCC)
Scale Big-Boy
Scale Berkshire
Heavy Weight Pullman cars for a troop train
Yellowstone 2-8-8-4
More modern freight cars (there is so much that needs to be done)
Fastrack everything. We really need a accessory activation track piece.
I would like to see the Flyonel Northern in more road names.
A line of conventional classics would go far too I think.
I would like to see the milk car re-done
I think Lionel is done with the traditional tubular flyer track.
Most important though is that Lionel should ABSOLUTELY produce scale passenger cars with the nifty spring loaded coupler that they have used in O on the S-3 and the new Autoracks.
I would second this! Scale passenger cars with nice interiors and correct diaphrams would be excellent. I would be interested in either heavyweights and sleepers or possibly streamlined cars, depending on what was offered. If it were round roof, Harriman style cars or accurate Daylight streamlined cars? Well, lets just say I would get quite a few .
IMO, the new auto racks are the best mass produced rolling stock that Lionel has done and the telescoping coupler is GREAT for anyone who wants to run a long, scale length car on tight radius. I think it could even be designed to accept either the traditional flyer knuckle or even a kadee if someone needed to go that route.
I'm quite happy with my cheap old train projects and I'm not looking to buy any expensive new trains. I'm afraid modern high-end Lionel products just don't interest me.
The hobby might have a better future if there were more starter sets available that are reliable, affordable, interesting, and promoting ongoing creativity in the hobby without relying excessively on expensive problematic gadgetry that will become obsolete.
The hobby might have a better future if there were more starter sets available that are reliable, affordable, interesting, and promoting ongoing creativity in the hobby without relying excessively on expensive problematic gadgetry that will become obsolete.
Mark in Oregon
Electronic gadgetry doesn't have to become obsolete. It can be made upgradeable. That is what Lionel is doing and I applaud that.
For those that want inexpensive basic trains, there is plenty of traditional Flyer and American Models product on the market. I am sure Lionel will still have some basic traditional offerings going forward as well. But the market isn't going to grow by offering traditional models. The only way to gain more market share is to offer more scale Hi-tech offerings. Just look at 3rail O for example. The best model of a GE hybrid that exists in any scale IMHO is the Lionel model. It is choke full of Hi-tech features and is as scale as they come (Except for the obvious couplers/flanges).
I do agree with the starter set idea. I expect we will see Lionel (and MTH) address this soon.
The hobby might have a better future if there were more starter sets available that are reliable, affordable, interesting, and promoting ongoing creativity in the hobby without relying excessively on expensive problematic gadgetry that will become obsolete.
Mark in Oregon
I tend to be of two minds when it comest to electronics in trains. There are attatctions to both conventional and command with sound trains.
Let's not assume that yanking out the electronics is going to make a lower priced product.
The conventional Lionel O gauge 0-4-0 Shifters MSRP for $449.99.
The DCS MTH O gauge Imperial 0-6-0's MSRP for $399.95.
Both locomotives are scale proportioned, but frankly, the MTH 0-6-0 is a much better looking locomotive.
Now I now full well "street price" is less, yadaa, yadaa, yadaa... But the average consumer is most likely going to get his first impression of an item out of a catalog, be it hard copy or on line.
Lionel had indicated the possibility of open stock basic starter sets in S that were also supposed to be made in the US. I was curious to see how they'd turn out. Given the problems recently with the contractor going bankrupt, the starter sets seem unlikely for the present time.
The hobby might have a better future if there were more starter sets available that are reliable, affordable, interesting, and promoting ongoing creativity in the hobby without relying excessively on expensive problematic gadgetry that will become obsolete.
Mark in Oregon
I tend to be of two minds when it comest to electronics in trains. There are attatctions to both conventional and command with sound trains.
Let's not assume that yanking out the electronics is going to make a lower priced product.
The conventional Lionel O gauge 0-4-0 Shifters MSRP for $449.99.
The DCS MTH O gauge Imperial 0-6-0's MSRP for $399.95.
I'd like to follow up on these 3 points.
1. I agree totally with this.
2. Why do you suppose this is so? If I am buying a car, I'll expect to pay more for one that has more features, just as I will pay less for one without the extras. Therefore I feel a model that has just the basics should cost less, because I'm buying less.
3. I wonder if the price difference may have something to do with the brand. You and I (and most here in the Forum) are no doubt familiar with the "MTH" line, but perhaps Lionel just has a higher base price the same as a "name" brand is usually higher than an "off" brand(?)
No argument here, just thinking out loud.
Mark in Oregon
What REALLY needs to be offered by Lionel for their 'S' American Flyer Union Pacific "Big Boys" and "Challengers" is an auxiliary water tender in UP Armour Yellow! My son has a Big Boy and I have a Challenger that really need at least ONE! I've thought of scratch building one or two, but can't locate any scale plans. I've got dozens of photos I could possibly make them from, but it would be a LOT of WORK! Either style would be okay by me! (See attached photos.)
Any other 'buyers' out there? ;-)
Regards, Randy
how about them getting there butts in gear to make a PRR Q2 for once!!!
I am waiting to see who makes turnouts first (Lionel or MTH) So I can build a new layout.
I am waiting to see who makes turnouts first (Lionel or MTH) So I can build a new layout.
It is unbelievable that Lionel has gone this long without turnouts. The track system should be priority #1.
As far as less feature=less money. That is not necessarily how it works. The term "economies of scale" comes to mind. Manufacturing 101.
Good Day Lionel,
Looks like you have a great list of suggestions to consider from the posts above!
S Scale will be the fast growing scale in the 21st Century. I look forward to the 2013 American Flyer Catalog!
PS: Thank you to everyone for posting your ideas.
Steam Locomotives
Steam Engines 2-8-0
GS4 Southern Pacific
AF Classics
Hudson Steamer
USRA 2-10-2
B&O Big 6
Cotton Belt L Class 4-8-4
Scale Big Boy
Scale Berkshire
Scale Yellowstone 2-8-8-4
Polar Express Berkshire
Diesel Locomotives
UP/Western Pacific Heritage SD70ACe
UP Alco PA Set
SW/NW/MP Switchers
Rolling Stock
Pacific Car & Foundry 57' Mechanical Refrigerator Car
Greenbrier Auto-Max Articulated 2Unit Auto Carrier
Open Bi-Level & Tri-level Auto Carriers with 1/64 Trucks & cars
Thrall Open Center I-Beam Flat Car
Milk car with mechanism from the loading platform
Full interior conversion kits for retrofitting Lionel's line of baby Madison passenger cars.
Heavy Weight Pullman cars for a troop train
More modern freight cars
Auxiliary Water Tender in UP Armour Yellow
Scale passenger cars w/ nifty spring loaded couplers liked used in O on the S-3 and the new Autoracks.
Track and accessories
Transformer 100/200 Watt Range
More Fastraks, half curves, Cross overs, Accessory tracks an all-important Rail Road Crossing with Operating Gates and Sound.
Fastrack everything
21" Curved Track
Modular Buildings for industry’s
Pre-built buildings from the O Gauge line-up
Hello Everyone ! I like all the new items Lionel is creating for us. Its been a slow trek
since 1979. Being an American Flyer die-hard since childhood ;an old school flyer fan.
I've been waiting patiently for a remake of the following:
980 B&O Time Saver car
981 Central of Georgia car
25019 Operating Milk car
24553 Rocket Transport flatcar
785 Coal Loader {Not MTH} I know they considered it awhile back.
4-6-4 Hudson Scale or AF Style
0-8-0 NKP Switcher Do original dies exist?
Retry Southern Crescent Set
Thanks Everyone ____ Bye
Scale down the existing standard O cars like the PS-1 boxcar, AAR 2 bay offset hopper, Pfaudler milk car, PS-5 gondola, PS-4 flat car and the short USRA flat car.
Long over due is the scale reading t-1 with all the bells and whisles.
It has been a long time since one was built. The last one did not have all the detail it could have. It would be nice to have one with legacy.
What REALLY needs to be offered by Lionel for their 'S' American Flyer Union Pacific "Big Boys" and "Challengers" is an auxiliary water tender in UP Armour Yellow! My son has a Big Boy and I have a Challenger that really need at least ONE! I've thought of scratch building one or two, but can't locate any scale plans. I've got dozens of photos I could possibly make them from, but it would be a LOT of WORK! Either style would be okay by me! (See attached photos.)
Any other 'buyers' out there? ;-)
Regards, Randy
How about a C&NW 4-4-2 D class or a 4-6-2 E class. The current 4-4-2 Atlantic might pass but the tender would need to be changed.
I have to vote for the starter set idea. Something akin to the "Lionel Scout" or the M&St. L sets currently being offered in O. Maybe reissuing one of the classic Flyer sets, like one of the sets with the Reading Atlantic or something.
While American Models or someone else may have sets available, they still aren't completely in range of someone who could afford only one of the starter O sets, and if you would want more interest in S gauge, a basic and affordable starter set would really help.
Although Lionel has done more with Flyer as time has gone on, I still think they haven't done what can be done to make the brand name better known.
I want a Norfolk & Western J Class steam locomotive. I also second the request for a SP Daylight steam engine.
4-6-4 Scale Hudson with Legacy.
Fast track the FastTrack system.
Legacy PA's in new road names.
More wishes...
A full scale set of California Zephyr cars, along with WP F3 A-B-B, CB&Q F3 A-B-A, and DRGW F3 A-B-B-A.
A "30B-L" transformer (ala the ZW-L)
If a broad cross section of owners of Lionel rtr starter sets were asked, I'd say among their top concerns is the anemic smoke output from the majority of piston driven puffer smoke units installed in most Lionel RTR starter set engines. So, I'd tell Lionel that for the relatively little extra it would cost to install fan driven smoke units in ALL their locomotives, they should start doing that immediately. MTH does it and so can/SHOULD Lionel.
How about the most modern mechanical reefers? Like on that UP fresh produce express train has?
How about the most modern mechanical reefers? Like on that UP fresh produce express train has?
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