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I have been trying to follow all the different Santa Fe threads and I am totally lost..


I see some hints that it's a go but I'm not sure if the SC or EL CAP is the "THE" they are talking about.

Can anyone say for certain if the 2nd run of the EL Cap is being made? Aside from bothering Scott.. again..

does anyone know the real scoop??!!



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The Golden Gate web site and comments on this forum tell us a second run of the SF El Capitan cars is a go.  In the absence of information to the contrary I would assume the offering will be for the same cars and pricing as that applicable to the first run.


As to the SF Super Chief cars, interest has been expressed by some on this forum for Scott to offer a second run both as a stand alone set and as add on cars to the El Capitan cars.  To consider this I would think Scott would have to be convinced there is a sufficient level of interest.



Here is an excerpt from the latest GGD email update for August...


SF El Capitan, 2nd Chance: The first run of El Capitan Cars have shipped to customers, and with so many back orders we are planning a 2nd Run with some exciting options. Click HERE to learn More.


And clicking the HERE link brings us to a blurb about the El Capitan Cars and another link to the El Capitan reservations page. 


The whole Super Chief element to this is entirely different, and there's been some talk amongst enthusiasts who may want to assemble their own combined SC / El Cap train ... as if 12 El Cap cars isn't a long enough train!!!    But let's not muddy up the El Cap production waters with the SC bent here.



Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
Originally Posted by gabob:

The Golden Gate web site and comments on this forum tell us a second run of the SF El Capitan cars is a go.  In the absence of information to the contrary I would assume the offering will be for the same cars and pricing as that applicable to the first run.




Scott has already said there will be a price increase for the 2nd run.

I shall quote from Scott;



I have been negotiating with the factory for the 2nd Run. Things are looking good, but there may be a small increase due to the actual cost of making these fine scale cars. Once I have documents in hand I will make a formal announcement.


Scott Mann - China


Take it for what it is worth.


Great news!
What if you already placed an order and received  a confirmation from the first time it was announced there would be a second run?? Do I have to place my order again or is my original order still good?
I've never ordered from Scott before so I am not at all familiar with his process....
Thanks to all that answered...

RD: If you placed a reservation with us, and received a confirmation, then you are in our database as reserving. Once we have confirmation of our cost, schedule, we will email invoices to our reserving customers.


Each day our discussions at the factory get better and better. So things are now looking more certain.


Scott - China

Originally Posted by sdmann:

RD: If you placed a reservation with us, and received a confirmation, then you are in our database as reserving. Once we have confirmation of our cost, schedule, we will email invoices to our reserving customers.


Each day our discussions at the factory get better and better. So things are now looking more certain.


Scott - China

Great news!!

Thank you for taking the time to clear that up for me... and all the way from China!


Originally Posted by Matt Makens:

Dang, I reserved my set but didnt make the cut and am on stand-by in the order. ...

Matt, Scott will probably confirm this... but I think all the website orders going into the second run are considered "stand-by reservations" since they didn't get fulfilled out of the first production run.


From Scott's earlier post here, it sounds like we'll all be receiving a follow-up email/invoice that may result from any potential final price adjustments associated with the second production run.



It will be made in 2016. We are in discussion with the factory about it. We will finalize our negotiation in November. But it is a negotiation, so one cannot be sure what will happen until a contract is signed.


The plan is to produce the models all customers have ordered.


Scott Mann

Originally Posted by sdmann:

It will be made in 2016. We are in discussion with the factory about it. We will finalize our negotiation in November. But it is a negotiation, so one cannot be sure what will happen until a contract is signed.


That sounds like a carefully worded statement, Scott. 


By "negotiation", are you suggesting the factory may hit you with a possible price increase?  The website reservation page now has most of the add-on cars at $279.95/each except for the lounge at $349.95/each.  And the 8-car set is now $2099.95.  These prices already seem slightly higher than earlier this year (and for the first run), yes?



Originally Posted by RD:

btw: David I'm starting to thing Matt & Marty are right .. 


I think it's safe to say Scott is navigating the waters of overseas model train manufacturing as best as possible, and his communication with consumers ranks right up there with the best we can ask for.


While other importers have tried to keep the sordid details hidden from the consumers -- and that's somewhat understandable -- I applaud Scott for his sincerity and frankness on these matters here on the forum.


I asked what I did because there was word on the street that the original manufacturer of the El Capitan wanted more dollars for the follow-on run, and that another manufacturer might be evaluated for future production. 


If you look at the history of this thread, I think you'll see the timeline for this project has skewed slightly.  And quite frankly, that's fine with me.  There's only so many $1K and $2K items that we can have "on pre-order" at any point in time.  Perhaps for some folks in this hobby, that's a drop in the bucket... but I still like to budget my $$$$ accordingly so I know the funds are readily available when it's time to write the check.



Update on SF El Capitan Rerun:

I am still negotiating the details of a contract between the builder and our company. If signed next week, the quantities of cars will be frozen, as they will begin ordering parts to make them.   So if you are waiting for something to tell you to order these, I am telling you now, if you don't order them, you won't get them. The reservations will close November 30th.


I inspected the production samples of the Cincinnatian, Powhatan Arrow and Slumber Coaches over the last 10 days. These are now due to arrive in early January. Very well done cars.


We will be finishing the S3/S4 Berkshires next and produce the D&RGW L-131 2-8-8-2 in early 2016. After that, the SD7 and SD9 Diesels. Then the SP S-12 0-6-0 and E8s and E9s in middle of 2016. Harriman cars will be on order shortly after. Also on order with our plastic factory are the Wooden Coaling Towers and Pullman 12-1 and 8-1-2 Sleepers.  Thank you all again for your support and suggestions.


Scott Mann - China

sdmann posted:

I am waiting for the first factory to sign the contract. If they decide not to, then factory #2 will make these later in 2016.


Scott, thanks once again for the update... as well as a sobering glimpse into the "behind-the-scenes" nature of how our model trains are manufactured nowadays. 

It's like the old show "Let's Make A Deal"... is the big deal behind door #1, door #2, or door #3?  Except in our little corner of the world, the appropriate question is... Will our trains be manufactured by factory #1, factory #2, or factory #3?    We can only imagine what it's like nowadays to really get these trains from concept/design through to manufacturing and then ultimately in the consumers' hands.    Thanks for having the perseverance to do it!!!


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer

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