Hello,Where can I buy Homosote at?Is there another name that it goes by?Neither Lowe's or HomoDepot have it.-Thanks,kennyb
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Menards carries it. I don't know of any other name. Do you have any independent lumberyards by you? Might be able to order it.

Home Depot calls it Soundboard 440. and yes, it is in the concrete, insulation board aisle.
They don't carry it at Streetsboro. You have to go 60 miles to get it. Store sku # 123024 for 4 x 8 sheet.
Here is the homosote site-pick a city close to you-looks like Akron-Carter Jones Lumber
You may want to try Quiet Brace another sound insulation board that also comes in 4 x 8 sheets. About $10 a sheet and may be available at Menards in your area. It's not readily available in the North East, however some on the forum have pick it up in Ohio at Menards one of our forum sponsors.
Go to http://www.homasote.com/WhereToBuy/ and input your location. Looks like Carter Jones in Akron carries it. The last time I bought Homasote was outside Pittsburgh, and it was about $25 per sheet.
I've always bought a similar, and much less expensive, product made by Celotex from a local lumber dealer. However, on my last purchase they had to special order it as the demand has dried up, I suspect because of the use of extruded foam board. My local store calls it "white builders board" rather than by the brand name, Celotex.
Check with Hartville Hardware. That is where I bought mine, but that was a long time ago.
Where can I buy Homosote at?
Maybe try using the search page off the Homasote web site??
as moonman ,stated its called soundboard 440 1/2 in. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. R-1.2 Sound Board.i used it, same as homoste.
If you can't find the "soundboard", you can use drywall, too.
Mike Hall