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Using the mth product locator, i purchased the lighting kit[ so I thought] for the MTH Premier SD40-2 #50-1026.


In short with the ground screw mismatched and the insulator mounting holes not lining up, this kit does NOT belong for these locos. Any ideas?

I am trying to avoid a $50.00 mistake. Thanks in advance for your assistance in this matter.

Original Post

That's the correct number I believe... there is 2 versions of this kit for 4 wheel or 6 wheel trucks. The kit has a bag (A) containing the wires, lights and board and another bag(B) that contains the pick-up roller assembly and mounting hardware. Bag B is where the parts differ by truck...

B 4wheel=50-1025 or 30     B 6wheel=50-1026-27 or 31


then there is a Bag C with the bayonet bulb harness...

hope this helps

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