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You may want to consider an American Models Santa Fe 29xx Northern, I know it isn't UP but it is a nice model and runs well. 


Also, if it is an original Gilbert nostalgia you are after then it really has to be a 336 with large motor. If you are looking for some sounds then it means a Lionel product which is OK ish but lacks the TMCC/Legacy functionality with full sounds.



I also have both AC Gilbert, an ACG 336 with a can motor, a332ac with the original pulmore and a Flyonel #800. All run good, the Flyonel needed a minor adjustment to the motor gear box area but after that was done it is a good runner and has excellent sound. The 336 has been converted to TMCC with ERR sound. I am becoming addicted to having sound in my trains. My choice now would be the Flyonel.


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