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I agree with JohnAction..........get the ERR  Cruise Commander......fix 'er up and there is your engine, ready to go!

To me your situation coincides with the saying, "price is what you pay.....value is what you get"!   I'm certainly NOT made of $$$, and yet I prudently do pay $$$ for something I really want. Once paid for, the "ouch" of paying $$$ slowly fades away.

I say go with the ERR Cruise Commander and save yourself a lot of future headaches. ERR CC - $140. Shipping - $15. Installation -DIY first time 3 hr. max. There are a number of people here who do this for a fee - ask them the cost. But you can download the instruction sheets, read them thoroughly 3 or 4 times and you may be comfortable enough to tackle installation yourself.

All good info.  I have A Powered , A, B Unpowered  Williams rock island in the black red paint scheme. No one else makes that scheme. I want to keep those colors.  The reason I asked the conversion question in the first place is that I dont own a MTH FA. I am thinking of buying one. Thats why I asked if the sizes are similar before I buy. As for the  ERR comments, where to buy and who does the work? I asked at a hobby shop in louisville with around 3 guys working on engines and they wouldnt tackle that, or said it wasnt worth doing.

OK- First what someone would or wouldn't tackle is immaterial. Second as to worth, that's up to you; see GRJ's & RedJimmy's posts above. Now where to buy; Google: Electric Railroad Company and you will get ERR by 3rd Rail which is the official site of ERR and will give you product info, prices, and downloadable instructions. Who does the work? As far as i know both GGG and GRJ here on the forum are still doing installations; if not they may be able to make a referral. There are others as well. Finally, if i get the time later this afternoon i will make some rough EXTERIOR measurements of a RK FA frame. No, i will NOT take it apart and get out calipers to give you exact measurements.

OK, the following frame measurements are APPROXIMATE only: (metric +/- 1mm, inches +/- 1/16in.).  RK FA: OA length 10 3/4" or 275mm; OA width 2 7/32" or 56mm; Trucks cntr. to cntr. 152mm; Rear MTG. Screws 9/32" or 8mm from end of frame, 1/4" or 6mm  from side of frame; Front MTG screws to rear MTG screws 9 1/2" or 241mm. Screws are measured center to center. Good luck.


Last edited by modeltrainsparts

The ERR conversion is pretty simple. I just converted a Williams Alco PA a couple months ago and the installation was a breeze. 

Just curious but do you have TMCC/Legacy in addition to DCS? The ERR conversion is a TMCC conversion. If you have all DCS locomotives and a TIU, but no TMCC/Legacy equipment then a PS3 conversion may still be your best route. 

Last edited by Lou1985
antibachmann posted:

Sorry. meant the williams frame measures 12 inches.   Yes I Have TMCC wit DCS. LOU 1985, there are a number of ERR conversion kits. Which did you use

For my upgrades, I do a Cruse Commander with the Railsounds Board that has the sound appropriate for the engine.  I would also add a remote coupler to the front end of the engine (would be too long for the back end).

antibachmann posted:

Sorry. meant the williams frame measures 12 inches.   Yes I Have TMCC wit DCS. LOU 1985, there are a number of ERR conversion kits. Which did you use

I used the ERR Cruise Commander with the Alco PA Railsounds Commander in my Williams Alco PA. Both would be appropriate for your Williams Alco FA. The hardest part of the installation was drilling holes in the frame for the program/run switch.

Thanks all for the info. As for buying a MTH and painting.....I have an ABA set of williams FAs. Have had for years. Probably paid around 300+.  I can paint OK, but the paint scheme is moderately complex. Then there's finding the overpriced decals. Also since The MTH FA is smaller, it wouldn't look right with my A /B dummies. Digital install seems the best way to go.  

Antibachmann never said what he didn't like about the original loco. We all just went along offering solutions without knowing the original problem/complaint.

On the Williams/Bachmann locos in my roster that are not currently scheduled for conversions, I wire the motors in series. That makes them much better behaved, no jack rabbit starts, less prone to speed variations with track voltage variations, and costs nothing.

Maybe that solution will do, at least in the short term?

Last edited by RoyBoy
BOB WALKER posted:

Williams engines have a long history of high reliability. I would stay with the Williams frame and add your choice of R/C electronics.

The Williams and Railking frames are similar and dang near identical. They use the same make of can motors and the drive trains are so similar one could almost interchange parts from one to the other. As for reliability, it all boils down to the electronics and in that boat everyone has an opinion.

Upgrading a Williams with a PS3 upgrade kit is easy to do if one would want to go that route.

The ERR Cruise Commander is the way to go. You can always add sound later on; just leave enough room for both the extra electronics and the speaker so you don't have to move the CC later. The overall dimensions of these are on the ERR website. The toughest part of an installation is picking a location for the CC board and making a hole for the prog./run switch. Take your time and remember there is always help here on the Forum. Good luck.

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