I have a Williams GG1 and the side frames to the trucks are broken. These are the two trucks in the center. Are there available parts for these or can they be glued back. Any help is welcome. Thanks.
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I bought some from Williams several years back, I'd contact them and see.
Assuming that this is NOT the scale GG1, Lionel side frames can be used although you would have to enlarge one of the mounting holes for the screw as this is the only difference between them, the location of the holes...
It is semi scale. How can I contact you at Pro Hobby?
Click on Pro Hobby and find contact email listed in profile
Before you buy anything, let's discuss "glued back": there is epoxy, like JB-Weld,
that can re-attach many things. Since you are going to have to remove the trucks, wiring, motors, anyway, remove the trucks and see if there is enough "purchase"
available to epoxy the frames back on. Perhaps with an additional metal (brass, etc.)
plate/piece reinforcement across the fissure in addition to/attached by the epoxy.
As I do not know the actual extent and nature of the injury, this may not help at all.
Or, it might help you accomplish something. A lot of this stuff is just common sense.
A lot of it is a pain in the rear. Find out first.
I'd contact Bachmann, I think you can get just the cast sideframes, and they should be cheaper than the whole truck with the sideframes.
I contacted Bachman and the do not have any.
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