All are invited to visit the 10th annual Ford's Colony Model RR Club model train display this weekend. Ten modular/display style layouts will be running in scales N through G - the largest being our new modular O gauge Fastrack layout. The show is co-hosted by the James City County/Williamsburg Norge Library which is located on Croaker Road 1/2 mile south of I64 exit 131. Saturday hours are from 10-5, Sunday 1-5 and admission is free. While visiting the library be sure to walk next door to the restored turn of the century C&O Norge depot and see it's collection of railroad artifacts and the under construction HO layout.
Some may recall my post last spring inquiring about O Gauge modular layout lessons learned/best practices. We took member's input and designed an 8 module railroad using Lionel's Fastrack Module track spacing and bridging, Molex connectors, and married that with aluminum frame stage modules made to our spec. After the event I'll post additional photos and commentary on construction.
Ed Rappe