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Recently I made a post regarding a power problem I was experiencing.  The suggestion was that I add more power which I did.  I augmented the 2 135w Powerhouses with two 2 180w.  After adding the first 180w powerhouse the problem indeed went away.   I decided I would like to monitor power consumption so I added a 0-10A Ammeter to each supply expecting that a 135w would show about 7.5 amps and a 180w about 10 amps at full capacity.   What I am seeing is about 6 amps total across all 4 sources, about half the capacity of the original 2x135 arrangement.   What am I missing, if anything?  I'm using I(A) = P(W) / (PF × V(V)) via the calculator at  The meters are wired in series on the A side (red) between the lockon and the load.    As always Thanks.

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I can't find the formula you show, but I don't think it matters.  Amperage (current) depends on the load.  The power sources provide as much current as the load requires up to their maximum capacity.  Ammeters do not measure the maximum current a power source is capable of putting out (unless the load happens to require that amount of current).

Last edited by PGentieu

Thank you, Yes, I understand that the load depends on the demand. The root of the question is ... when I had 2x135w (15a @18vac) i was having a condition where the lockons would reset as if there was a short when I powered up the layout. I never found a short per-se but removing lighted rolling stock or a locomotive would mitigate.   The diagnosis was add more power, so I did,the problem has abated but the total draw seems well below 15a.   it may be that one of the powerhouse was being taxed more heavily than the other due to location on the layout causing an overload. I can reproduce the original overload problem by simply powering off all but one of the 135s, so I know the load, at least at initial power up is greater than the 7.5a that a single 135w can provide.  So I'm satisfied that I wired the meters correctly and I understand the original problem.  Thanks again.

Last edited by LIRR-Jim
@LIRR-Jim posted:

Recently I made a post regarding a power problem I was experiencing.  The suggestion was that I add more power which I did.  I augmented the 2 135w Powerhouses with two 2 180w.  After adding the first 180w powerhouse the problem indeed went away.   I decided I would like to monitor power consumption so I added a 0-10A Ammeter to each supply expecting that a 135w would show about 7.5 amps and a 180w about 10 amps at full capacity.   What I am seeing is about 6 amps total across all 4 sources, about half the capacity of the original 2x135 arrangement.   What am I missing, if anything?  I'm using I(A) = P(W) / (PF × V(V)) via the calculator at  The meters are wired in series on the A side (red) between the lockon and the load.    As always Thanks.

Clearly, two PH135 transformers in parallel should be able to provide more than 6A and maintain their rated output voltage, so I'd say something else was afoot there.

I think we'd need to know more about the exact configuration and circumstances of the power drop to analyze what is really happening.  This doesn't sound like the typical "insufficient" current supply situation.

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