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News from the Midwest Region, NMRA...
"To the members of the WISE Division,
At the November 10 board meeting, the WISE BoD voted for the Division to go inactive on account of the lack of participation of the membership both in regards to events and leadership. November 14 the MWR Board accepted the MWR Superintendent's creation of an Executive Committee to replace the current BoD and to work to rebuild the Division. The Executive Committee is: myself Burnell Breaker (superintendent), Robert Niedermann (***'t Superintendent), David Rohr (Chief Clerk) and Dennis Janssen (Paymaster). We are charged with the future of the WISE Division.
Presently we will be concerning ourselves with trying to rebuild the Division with the current membership and to try to encourage new members to join. For the foreseeable future, Trainfest will not be a main concern of the WISE Executive Committee. After we meet in December we will have a better idea as to our future direction."
Burnell Breaker
Interim Superintendent
Original Post

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Best of luck with your efforts.  The hobby really needs promotion by individuals who are capable of recruiting new members these days.  The time when millions of American boys got a jump-start in the hobby through Christmas layouts and/or saw the prototype train activity in their hometowns is largely over.  I applaud those willing to take up the challenge.

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