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@Jeff2035 posted:

I have a rev L TIU and nice remote.

I plan to keep using these.

I also would like to use the new app to run my MTH locos.

If I connect a WIU to my TIU, can I still use the remote? Yes- because your TIU still has the radio module to communicate with the DCS handheld remote over wireless. Just because you added a WIU doesn't invalidate remote operation.

Will the new app work with the WIU? It was MADE to work with the WTIU, since as released, the WTIU didn't have the capability internally to talk to the DCS remote- so it MUST use the app.

Is there any difference in controlling locos with the WIU and WTIU? Absolutely none from the app or user standpoint. The app is still the app and the WTIU WIRELESS TIU TRACK INTERFACE UNIT is still a track interface unit -but added the wireless built in.

Again, given you already have a revision L TIU- KEEP USING IT.

The lower cost option to gain app function is add a WIU to your EXISTING typo- TIU REV L

You could swap out to a WTIU, however natively as built you then lose the DCS remote function because there is no radio receiver to talk to the remote wireless, and the cable adapter to connect the remote tethered with a wire has not yet shipped nor can it be ordered. There now is a DIY module or solution to use the DCS remote with the WTIU- but it's an add on open source project- not built in and would be additional cost to the already expensive WTIU.

Last edited by Vernon Barry

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