Forum Members:
Yves posted a comment on my thread announcing the finished boxcar kits I am marketing. In it he mentioned that it might be cool to have wood beam trucks really made from wood.
I am always on the lookout for new products and my question is this: How many of you might be interested in early era truck kits made from wood and brass parts? They would be first quality, like everything I make - laser cut wood where wood was appropriate, brass where metal was used. I'd include the parts for the brakes. Perhaps even making operating brakes?
I could do both wood beam and early composite wood-iron arch bar trucks. I have no real idea of cost, but I would shoot for a likely price-point somewhere in the $50-60 range.
Any interest?
PS: I'm always listening to good suggestions; if you have one let me know. Just keep in mind that I don't do 20th Century! Email me at ""