They have imported a AFT 610! 2-10-04!
Deadline is this week? I am a current MTHRRC member and haven't even received the catalogs yet.
Deadline is this week? I am a current MTHRRC member and haven't even received the catalogs yet.
I am happy to mail you one.... send me your address at and I will get it off to you....
The deadline is this week and I am going to be in trouble. The catalog is still here.
Scott Smith
And now to top it all off, the frosting on the cake so to speak. Did you see this? MTH sent me an email last week and I just had to order this on top of all the catalog stuff on my list. MTHRRC. What terrible timing. The purple and the lights...I've been had, digging a deeper hole that has no means of escape. I'm a goner! Anyone know where a helmet that will withstand multiple blows from rolling pins and cast iron skillets can be purchased at a reasonable price?
Scott, it is thrilling to find a catalog that pulls you in and each time you look at it, you find more items to order. I've had this happen twice. Once was an MTH cat and the other was a Lionel. I finally had to leave both at my allergy doctor's office, for others to look at. Now, with the catalogs are online in easy to read format, it's hard to stay away from them.
Deadline is this week? I am a current MTHRRC member and haven't even received the catalogs yet.
I am happy to mail you one.... send me your address at and I will get it off to you....
Thanks for the offer Mr. Muffin. I already sent a request to MTH.
Well, I could have mailed mine to somebody, if they'd promise to send it back with
all the stuff I want in it. I can usually get a car or two out of the MTH catalog,
but no luck there this time.
I know its tough when your addicted. I don't get catalogs. Problem is that I go to this board and find out too much without going to catalogs.
In addition to not receiving any catalogs I need to stay off this board.
Its like a trigger when your addicted to drugs. Even though you stopped buying trains, I have more than enough, just being around the forum causes me to relapse.
They say though that relapse is part of recovery.
Not sure about that.
No easy answwers.