My 1rst ZW came from a garage sale. Had been looking for one for about 10 yrs, but didnt want to pay $250+ for a used ZW. Had to work during a town wide rummage
sale in My folks village and didnt get to look around till about 4pm.
Walked up the road from My dads house and this guy had a ZW sitting
on the table for $25. I paid him and he said that I could probable sell it for
$100. I said "no I cant, It's going right on my train board".
I asked him about the trains that went with the ZW. he said some guy
bought them earlier in the day. I couldnt believe he didnt buy the ZW.

Since then I have picked up 4 others @ $50, $60, $60 and FREE!!!
Running at train shows has its advantages. Dealers give me deals
as I help them test trains on my board and fix trains for them at shows.
The FREE ZW, really wasnt FREE as I fixed a bunch of trains for a dealer
and he gave me the ZW for my efforts.
Garage sale finds are still out there. dont be afraid to keep looking.
Remember, It all ends up in a rummage sale sooner or later. The old guys die
off and relatives that dont want the trains sell them off.
As Lou Palumbo of "The UnderGround Railroad" and "Classic Toy Trains" so eloquently
puts it, "Keep Searchin"!