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I'm trying to plan a layout, but don't have very much room.  I'm aiming for a double main, inside O48 and outside O60.  All my current rolling stock is O27/O31.  I was thinking of using O72 switches on the main and in the yards and spurs so that if in the future if I got a bigger space I could reuse my switches (But we are talking 8+ years if it happens.).  This makes things take a bit more room.  So I was wondering it it was worth it, or should I go ahead and use O48 or even O36 switches in the yards and spurs.


Also, should I even bother with min O48 curves since all my stuff will run fine on O36, and just use O36 switches everywhere so that I can fit more train action?

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Eight years or more to predict how much room you will have to build a layout is pushing it. Model railroading is supposed to be an enjoyable hobby, so enjoy it now by building a layout best suited for your space, which might include O-72 turnouts with O-36 cruves. If you are very certain you will be building a larger layout later, consider building a modular layout which will be incorporated into the larger layout.



You seem to be building a medium to small layout. You should be finished in less than 8 years. Build it to enjoy and run. Use the turnouts that work in your track plan. In 8 years, sell the old track and turnouts and use the money to buy bigger turnouts. If lightly used, they will sell. If they are well used, you had your fun and don't worry about them.

use the largest radius curvesand switches that will fit in your layout area. all trains ,from the 027 size to the 3-rail scale trains of today will look and run better. i went from lionel 022 and072 switches to gargraves,now have atlas 7.5's onthe main,#5's in the yards.took me about 40 years to make the change,so dont rush it.-jim

It would depend on your available space and budget.  My layout has 060 and 048 curves on my outer loops. I also have several 036 switches.  The biggest problem is I am limited on what equipment I can run.  So it would depend where you want to go in the future.  I would defiantly reuse as much as you can as long at it in in good operating condition. Even new pieces can give you trouble.  Jon

Our layout that we will be building this fall is 18'x6.5' which allows us 064 and 054 ross curve double track.  This is about as wide as we can go with the space given.  We are going for a fun themed layout for my dad and this grandsons, but wanted wide enough turns to not restrict us on future purchases.  Bigboys and scale autoracks are out of the question, but im sure we will be able to run 90% of available equipment and have it look good doing so.

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